
Why do "pro-choicers" appeal to the 2% of "hard-case abortions" to justify the 98% that are not "hard case"?

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Very few abortions are the result of rape, incest, or a life-threatening condition for the mother.

Yet, in their arguments, "pro-choicers" often appeal to this SMALL percentage of "hard cases" to justify ALL abortions.

Can someone explain the "logic" that "pro-choicers" use here?





  1. Because those are only the most extreme reasons for abortion.  There are many reasons and aborting a fetus or embryo is not murder in any sense of the word.

    Your problem is that you view abortion as the denial of a "potential human life".  If you actually believe that then you must also agree that a woman who refuses the advances of a man who wants to have s*x is doing the exact same thing since she is denying the potential human life that might have arisen from the s*x act she refused to perform.  Now wouldn't that throw a real monkey wrench into your position?   Try thinking for a change.

  2. Why do you not weep for the millions of miscarriages like you weep for these unwanted foetuses?

  3. To make the idiots realize that there is good reason for the existance and allowance of abortion.  

  4. probably for the same reason anti-choicers (pro life is a dishonest title as the issue is not about being for or against abortion. its about being for or against the freedom to chose)  act as though all abortions are at 8 months gestation.

    the "logic" is that if you outlaw it, it is unreasonable to outlaw it WITH provisions for the things that even most anti-choicers might consider exceptions.  and the basis for these allowances are not definite enough upon which to make meaningful law.

    both sides sometimes make absurd arguments. this is just the nature of politics.

    I don't think that most abortions are either the case of rape or such,  nor are they commonly used as birth control(as in, a woman having multiple "abortions" instead of making better choices)   just as while not all are easy and fast very very early term, they are not all gruesome late term ones EITHER.

  5. Because no woman should have to prove she was raped to get an abortion.

    I'm willing to bet abortion due to rape is closer to 30% of abortions. However, because we have PRIVACY in this country, we don't say you have to PROVE you were raped to get an abortion.

    By the way, speaking as someone who has worked in a health-care field, a woman who has an abortion after a rape where that abortion is not a direct result of vaginal/uterine damage is having an *elective* abortion.

    If you do not approve of privacy laws and the right of a woman and a doctor, not YOU, to decide what is best for a person, then move to somewhere like Saudi Arabia with the other America-haters!

  6. this was literally just asked

    go read that q for my answer cos i cant be bothered to repeat it to be honest


    here, i cut and pate it ;-)

    "the rape and incest are the ones brought up because;

    they show that its never just black and white and that you can NEVER know the whole story or any of the story as its not YOUR life, you hear what you are told you dont KNOW anything


    that it is not your choice, your decision or your right to make any choices and judgments on other people or their lives and choices or options in a situation you know nothing about and based only on your OWN moral judgments and beliefs"

  7. I personally don't.  I think if someone wants an abortion and the fetus has not yet reached viability they should be able to get one.  Last I checked the statistics said about 18% are non-elective by my standards (rape/incest, mothers health, fetus' health, and too young).  If you don't like abortions don't get one. Don't impose your morality on the rest of us, we don't try to impose our morality on you.

    I'll go out on a limb here and make the broad assumption you're christian, if so please answer this question, why does your god support abortion and you don't?  Proof?  See below.

    Psalm 137:9 KJV "Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."

    That's about as late term as abortion gets... after it's born.

  8. Same reason "pro lifers" use the far less than 2% cases of "partial birth" abortions to justify their emotional vitriol about the vast majority where the conceptus in no way resembles a viable baby.

  9. >>>Why do "pro-choicers" appeal to the 2% of "hard-case abortions" to justify the 98% that are not "hard case"?

    Why do anti choice christians always come up with these totally false assertions?

    >>>Very few abortions are the result of rape, incest, or a life-threatening condition for the mother.


    But equally true is the fact that late second trimester abortions are even rarer, and third trimester abortions are rarer still, and almost always carried out to save the mother's life.

    Yet these are the abortions which anti choice christians always describe as standard abortions.

    The majority of abortions are chemically induced, first trimester abortions, Well over 99%, because for anything else, the courts have to OK it, yet you insist on your unsuported claims, and your horror stories.

    Worse, the horror stories which you tell, are physically impossible.

    The practices which you claim are used, would kill the host, or at the very least, render her unable to have children.

    Try it!

    Try to dismember a small raw chicken, (It is about the same size as a third trimested foetus) with a pair of forceps, or a wire loop.

    Just do it on your kitchen table, where you can see what you are doing, and where you can actually hold the body to get some leverage.

    Then put it in a thin box, and using wire, and/or forceps, through a hole, no more that an inch and a half in diameter, and blindfold, dismember the chicken, without damaging the box.

    And remember, you *dare not* introduce any sort of cutting tool to the womb, via the uteris

    >>>Yet, in their arguments, "pro-choicers" often appeal to this SMALL percentage of "hard cases" to justify ALL abortions.

    No we don't.

    We justify abortion very simply: If the host wants an abortion, then she is entitled to one.

    Pro Choice, not pro abortion.  I am very Pro Choice, but I am also very  Anti Abortion.  The difference between us is that I do not believe that superstition, gives me the right to dictate my morality, to others.

    Unlike the majority of christian fanatics, who are not Pro Life, but Anti Choice.

    If I persuade a girl who is entering a clinic, for an abortion, to carry to term; Will you adopt the child?

    If yes, how many have you already adopted?

    If yes, and you have not already adopted; Why not?

    If no, then by what right do you call your self, Pro Life?

    If no, then by what right do you tell someone else that they should raise an unwanted child?

  10. i don't know the answer of your question but i'm interested to know more about you.let us let it be

  11. Well, why do pro-lifers use pics of dead mutilated babies? B/c the debate has become one of emotion not of reaching a solution acceptable to all. It's not so much the issue that's the problem but the very nature of the debaters and how do we fix it? People do not know how to arrive at conclusions and actions that are mutually acceptable. It's 'Us versus Them' instead of 'We're all in this together'.

  12. Does it matter?

    Can you prove that a baby is a baby at conception, and not a clump of cells?

    Is your reasoning based on your religion? Religion should be kept from government.

    Do you realize that historically abortion has always been around. That so-called "doctors" have been performing them for money for a long time. In fact, before it was legislated innocent women would be butchered, and often killed during these procedures. These "doctors" provided no counseling for these women for alternatives to abortion. They simply took the money, and performed the most cost-effective abortion possible. Do you know that since Roe vs. Wade there has actually been a DECREASE in the number of abortions?

    And that women in the "red states" are actually more likely to receive an abortion than women in more liberal areas?

    Furthermore, if we agree that abortion ends a human life, where then do we go with birth control. Some birth controls prevent the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining? Should we consider this a form of life? After all, supposedly life begins at conception.

  13. I got a hard case I can give you.

  14. Because they just want to make everyone feel sorry for those 2% 'mothers' and justify abortions for all reasons, even tho the reality is that most abortions are caused from women not wanting stretch marks basically.

    When I was in school, we would have the 'abortion debate' and I used to be pro-choice.. but thankfully I learned to open my eyes to the truth of the matter. I really hope some of these people will come to see how wrong it really is. Christian or not.


    A thought on incest- its frickin gross, most normal people would agree on (if not, give me a thumbs down)....

  15. Give me a break!!

    Abortion does NOT need a defense!

    It is an option that is available to women who find themselves pregnant>>>regardless of HOW they got pregnant.

    The HOW does not matter!

    The critical point here, IS>> the woman has the right to say what happens to her OWN body!!

    NO ONE ELSE!!!

    Your opinion does not matter!!

    My opinion does not matter!!

    HERS does!!!

  16. why do people who are against abortion rights use loaded terms like "murdering a baby" to describe the act of terminating a fetus?

  17. Once again, I dont do that, you pro lifers talk about women as if they were cattle.  There is something heavily weird about your fervour also.

  18. You want to appeal to statistics? Let's appeal...

    Around 80% of Americans claim to be Christians. Atheists are other religious types are not overrepresented in either abortions or crime. That means that most of our aborters and criminals are Christian.

    Perhaps it would be good for you to clean out your own house before you come knocking on our doorsteps.

  19. because pro-lifers refuse to allow for them

  20. I am pro life.  I do know that there are some who are not pro choice except in the cases of rape, incest or life threatening condition for the mother.  Some feel very strong about it and others are unclear.  I don't think we can generalize on this.  I believe a life threatening condition for the mother is a medical issue between her and the doctor.  Some "pro-lifers" would say that even is wrong - killing an innocent.  The logic I think, is that on those specific circumstances it is not as cut and dry and some would think unless we have walked in those shoes.  I personally know a baby does not have to die because it is unwanted.  Babies are wanted, they just need to open their eyes.  And the ones who want them don't care how the baby was concieved.

  21. Why do christians claim fetuses have souls and conciousness? So they can justify themselves

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