
Why do rabits kick you?

by  |  earlier

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im sorry bu now i hate ferrets and rabbits.

rabbits kick you and ferrets bite you.




  1. They obviously can't talk so that's their way of telling you something.

    They don't like whatever you're doing.

  2. they dont want u to touch them

  3. those are the animals' defense mechanism that they use to express their feelings and emotion.


    they tend to kick other animals or even humans when they feel being threatened for many reasons:territory,a fight for a mate,and food.they do this to survive.they are the bottom of the food chain.they are one of the easiest prey for animals in the wild causing them to have instincts to run or kick their way out of being prey.they may also do this as an indication of having sickness.

    same with ferrets.they use this as a defense mechanism as for not being hurt.they also do this as they have hunting instincts.they are once used as a hunting animals used to drive away rodents and rabbits out of holes.

    remember:you can stop this by simply being close to long as they are not feeling threatened,they typically won't bite.

    i hope i helped!

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