
Why do radios work better when I hold the antenna?

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My teacher gave me an old cd/radio player today because she was gonna throw it away if she didn't.

anyway, the radio worked on the first station, but on the second one it only worked while i was holding the antenna. Why? Is there some way I can maybe use tin foil instead of standing next to it the whole time holding it?





  1. it might be an old radio and you might need to get a new one i dont have to do that to mine

  2. Your body is acting like an antenna

  3. Your body is basically extending the range of the antenna's reception.  Any conductor will work as well.

  4. You may follow the first answer & also you can connect the antenna of radio with the water -pipe going to the roof;if its aluminum material. You may also try keeping the antenna wire, without insulation,dipped in a copper/ brass glass full of water.

  5. Three ways to tune: antenna, tuning k**b or the set itself.

    Also remember that you act as an antenna. Ever notice how sometimes the signal will be perfect as you're tuning it, then, when you move away, it gets static-y again?

    Sometimes repositioning or turning the radio in a different direction will help. Your signal is also affected by the strength of the radio station. Stations come in several different sizes according to their license. A 25KW, 50KW or 100KW obviously will be easier to receive and keep steady than a 3KW station.

    There's no real cure, except to make sure you have a good antenna (sometimes just a piece of wire coming out of the back of the set - to which you can add more wire to make it longer). You might want to get an inexpensive antenna that's a loop - actually a circular piece of metal that will attach to the wire coming our of the back of your set - Radio Shack and other stores have them.

    Make sure that it's as close to a window as possible. Sometimes I'll run the wire outside the window and close the window on top of it. Anything to get it away from any metal or other deflectors.

    I have an interesting device that I bought years ago that really boosts the antenna power of your AM radio. It's a big, round plastic device called a "Select-A-Tenna." You put it next to your radio and - wow! What a difference. this would also be a good device for those kids who have written in about bad reception on Radio Disney. You can reach them at

    Hope this helps


  6. Your entire body acts as an antenna.

    Most radios will work even better if you attach a ground wire.

    Some of the older radios would get louder if you merely held your hand four or five inches away from them. This is called "hand capacitance".

  7. Because when you hold it  your body is acting as the antenna. Tin foil might work but it is not a very good conductor. A short piece of wire would work better. Obviously an actual antenna would work best.

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