
Why do random guys driving turn their heads & shout stuff &/or honk their horn at you & your friends?

by  |  earlier

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This has happened SO many times. Are they making fun of us? Do they think it's funny?

I don't even know what section to put this in.




  1. Because your attractive.... take it as a compliment, but i kno it still creeps you out

  2. yeah they are just goofing off having fun; you should try it back, who knows, (you may meet a new friend);

  3. You probably have one or more of the following:

    1.) huge, round, nice b*****s

    2.) a firm, grabbable bottom

    3.) a great, Jessica Alba like face

    Guys probably think you're attractive.  Take the attention while you can get it and flirt back... :)

  4. Lol when i went on long bike rides with my brother when i was like 9 i once forgot my helmet at his one store. So I was just bike riding and this teenage guy pulls down his window as he drives past and yells "hey kid get a helmet!?!?!?"

    yeah that kind of scarred me lol jk but i was like "OMG PEOPLE REALLY NOTICE!"

    they're just having fun...

  5. well guys do that to me and mi friends to but we learn to ignore it we asked a couple of guys why they yelled at us they told us that they think we are hott so yea thats probly why guys are yelling at u and ur friends

  6. I'm proud to say that I have more class than to do those things. However, if I was going to take a stab at a guess I would say guys do it because there's something programmed into the male genome that makes it fun to gawk and hoot at girls, especially attractive ones.

    It might help to think of it as an obnoxious form of flirting. They're not making fun of you. If anything they think you're hot.

  7. i do it sometimes, its so fun you should give it a try or when people walk past your window ask them for a hamburger:D

  8. Cause their a******s who cant get some so they have to setle for honking and shouting

  9. What a good question.

  10. b/c they think you are hot this happens a lot its scary

  11. cuz ur HaWt!!! really thats why

  12. Sometimes they want to see if you are going to look. Our maybe they think your pretty. Just ignore them

  13. i dunno but it's the most annoying thing on EARTH. i usually flick them off

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