
Why do really fancy restaurants have small amounts of food?

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When I go to a fancy restaurant they serve really expensive food but a really small portion? Why is this?




  1. cause some people will pay for atmosphere, not food..

  2. Quality vs. Quanity

  3. This is because they can afford soo much that they think its pretty to have like portions in odd formations! (im soo serious!)

    And That ticks me off! i eat ALOT in a day and when i order something

    i dont want to see a crumb on my plate (even if it is in a flower formaton!)

    I know wat u mean!

  4. high food cost. truffle oil is not cheap. You are paying for fresh and the best.

  5. because there are so many different courses, and each course is billed seperatly...they want you to eat each course, through desert, for the full dining experience!

  6. A couple of reasons:

    At a  fine dining restaurant its  quality over  quantity. If you want a  big meal go to your favourite chain restaurant

    Traditionally, . when  people  dined out or ate at a big banquet in times past  there were many, many courses eg: a fish course, a meat course, salad, soup, entree and so on, sometimes up to 13 / 14 different courses. So you would basically just get a small sample of each one. Even though times have changed and the average meal is only  3 or 4 courses  the conservative  fine dining style of service  still sticks to the small serves  as  it was done  in the "good old days"

  7. They think their food is so good so they only give you a taste so you will want more. Also they really want you to buy drinks because that is where their profit is. I avoid places like that because I would still be hungry

  8. It's the restaurant's way of cutting costs.

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