
Why do rednecks stare?

by  |  earlier

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and why aren't they man enough to say something




  1. Rednecks? is that insulting?

    What are you trying to say?

    Need more explaining, please.

  2. Stare at what? You lost me

  3. They have nothing else to do.

  4. Because where normal people glance at something and quickly look away, Rednecks or "billies" (as my gf & I refer to them) brains' don't function quickly enough to look away, LOL hence the staring ;-)

  5. "Rednecks" ?

    Sounds like you might be racist there, don't ya think?

  6. Cause you're beautiful!  

  7. I believe that for some people including people you refer to as "rednecks" have a deer in the headlights type look.  In reference to seeing two guys kissing it is something that they are not familiar with and are in awe/shock of the scene.  

    They may not know what to say because of the shock to their system so the first thing to do is condemn the situation.  This is based on what they are taught or the ignorance to the culture.

    EDIT:  The last time I stared was at the Coldstone Creamery.  I did not know they sang if you tipped them.  I put money in the jar and they broke into a rendition of Zippity Do da, but with the lyrics Tippity Do da.  I just froze and stared ahead of me at the guy.  I was stuck and couldn't move from the shock and embarrassment.

  8. Could be you look funny.

  9. because they are what scientists call FUCKTARDEDIOUS-HILLBILLYUOS

  10. What else should they do? Reread "War and Peace?"
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