
Why do religions exist?

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Why do religions exist?




  1. Religion has been existing throughout history. Hinduism has no begging nor a end is a eternal religion with no founder or philosopher bring up as an idea.

  2. to give uneducated people hope and a reason to exsist

  3. religions exists to keep the cattle's from straying away.

  4. In the beginning to answer questions that had no answers. It was also a way to "feel" in control, or that "something" had control when it wasn't you. You could "pray" to a god (who had control) to intervene. In this way you gave yourself control. You could also control other people in this way.

  5. They exist for one primary reason - to help people grow spiritually.

    If they are not fulfilling that role, then I think it is prudent for one to ask the question of whether it's worth staying in that religion or not.

  6. Because man is so egotistical that he cannot believe he will really die and turn into dirt and stay that way.

  7. Religion has existed since the day Jesus knelt down and breathed into Adam's nostrils the breath of life.

  8. Because we are born with a conscience (Light of Christ) that causes us to search him out, all good comes from him.  This inner voice can be ignored though.

  9. Because in general, people are uncomfortable with the unknown.

    Religions are a way to attempt to explain the unknown.

  10. In the beginning of time there was just the Gospel which taught directly from the God's Word, the Holy Bible. As time went on, some didn't agree with things so they took what they wanted from the bible and used it to make another religion and so on and so on.

    We should take the bible for what it is and that's it. Do not rely on religion. You can have religion and still go to h**l, but if you have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal life with Him.

  11. As P. T. Barnum said:  there is a sucker born every day.

  12. Because people love to hate.

    Classic in group-out group psychology. I believe x therefore I am better than you therefore I can hate you therefore I can kill you therefore the holocaust, or the Yom Kippur war, or the Crusades or.... Take your pick.

  13. People exist = religions exist. Majority obviously need a fairy tale explaining things they have no knowledge of yet or lack IQ to understand.

  14. So that early man could understand the world and so that kings and rulers can control their peasants.

  15. They are an easy way to control large populations. Constantines conversion to Christianity was political rather than spiritual, and was designed to make the administration of diverse cultural groups more efficient.

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