
Why do religions hate so many groups of people?

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Why can't they just live in harmony with everyone?




  1. Because they all have the arrogance to believe that they're right and everyone else is wrong.

  2. I think perhaps it is because some (though) not all religions take their own cultural beliefs (because all religions are fashioned by some culture or another, it's inevitable) and see them as objective. Therefore people who live by other cultural belief systems are looked down upon. People say they may be following the will of 'god' but what is actually happening when then say that is that they follow an interpretation or that particular time and space, there's nothing wrong with that but I feel to confuse something relative with something ulitmate is rather dangerous. But this happens with many ideologies not just religious ones, I mean, some americans oftern think democracy should be enforced upon non-democratic societies in Asia, is this right? and if so as westerner wouldn't I be saying that? Although it may look like it, I'm not advocating cultural relativism because I think taken to it's extreme this is very dangerous.

    I have many, particularly more liberal christian friends in London who hold to their own religious beliefs but also put their hands up and admit there is more than they know and respect the beliefs and lifestyle choices of others and realising the personal nature of their own, and see other peoples ways of finding truth and fulfilment. Which I personally find very humbling and mature.

    I don't think therefore that it is that simple - to say religions hate people. Diversity is the nature of life, but unfortunately this creates an "other" and through fear people cling to what they know, through fear of what they don't understand. This I feel is the nature of fundamentalism, but I feel is also quite understandable in this ever changing world of ours (not that I by any means agree with it).

    But I know plent of religious people who live in harmony with others, and plenty of non-religious people who don't.. it's not that clear cut.

  3. not again!!!! YAAAWN next!

  4. If we practice true Christianity, we hate no one.  I goes against the very nature of God.  We are supposed to as much as it be possible with us, to live peaceably with all men.  That is not to say that we're not supposed to teach them the ways of God with gentleness and love.  We should always be about the Father's business.

  5. People hate people, not religions.

  6. I WISH I KNEW...

    personally im quite an atheist but i have nothing against religion... just dont belive in it... but ur right, they do question alot of beliefs themsleves

  7. Depends on the sect and the religion. Dogma can always be construed evilly... however true Spirituality is always good, regardless of the specifics of dogma.  

  8. Because they think they can, there is a long history of religious oppressions on many sides. This is not really new.

  9. Religions only want to stop hate for themselves as they each religion because they are the true elite

  10. that's religion for you

  11. Virtually by definition, a religion teaches that it is right and everyone else wrong. That is not a receipt for harmony and peace!

    Especially when you factor in concepts like 'god's chosen people' who are going to inherit a land flowing with milk and honey etc; it does not bode well for the non-chosen who happen to be already living there!

  12. The vast majority of them don't, only the monotheist religions claim to be the one infallible truth.  Respect for other people's Gods and customs was the norm worldwide until the Abrahamics came along, it still is in areas where they haven't been able to maintain military control.  Check the Historical record, Westerners are constantly saying "All religions" when what they actually mean is "My religion", it is they, and not the rest of us, who are showing unwillingness to live in harmony.

  13. because of our natural arrogance and narcissism

    its nature to be protective and agressive

    they each think they are right, they are the only one, so they oppose all other ones who say the same and its going to of course cause a lot of aggravation

  14. Religions are rites, rules and rituals devised by man.  as with everything created by man, it does not work.  It is tainted by our selfish nature.  When it does not work, people react, usually bay attacking the very things that prove what they stand for is false.

    Now faith is something else.  Faith comes from God and is about building right relationships with people.  Fir Christians, hatred comes nowhere in this equation.

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