
Why do religious people acted surprised or insulted when Atheists point out the inhumanity of religion?

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Religion denies people freedom and basic moral rights.




  1. Define "basic moral rights"

    I can almost assuredly say your answer will differ from everyone else in some way.

  2. it doesn't. and it is insulting when someone insults your beliefs!  And what do you consider "freedom and basic moral rights"

  3. They rarely know or understand the history of their religion.

  4. For some reason I don't recall Christ doing either.

  5. Because you have not viewed it with the glow from the holy spirit.  Then you might understand.

  6. nervous reaction. Based on a value system instilled at an early age.

  7. they are scared that people with no beliefes will prove them wrong about jesus and god.people try to push their religion down my throat and i just quit paying attention to them.

  8. I know! We are so brilliant, I wish that they would just understand what we are trying to teach them!

  9. And there was I thinking that slavery was abolished because of the work of Christians.  Silly me!

  10. Good point - Sooner or later some will figure it out  - the rest i could care less about.

    I meant to say personal religion

  11. From you're point of view.

    Obviously, you're an atheist. So you probably repeated what other atheists have said or looked at their web sites without EVER reading the Bible.

    So of course you think that. Have a nice life.

    Oh, and Girl, Their is a difference between the old testament and the New testament. But you probably won't except that.

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