
Why do religious people freak out whenever Satan is mentioned?

by Guest55853  |  earlier

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Why do religious people freak out whenever Satan is mentioned?




  1. They've been brainwashed to do that.  Only Christians believe in Satan.  Everyone else takes responsibility for their own actions and doesn't need a scapegoat.

  2. Conditioned fear.

  3. because they're the only ones who believe in him.

  4. it's fear dude.

  5. I do???

    Thanks for letting me know.  I will make sure to freak out better next time.


    Look at all the atheists just nodding their head in agreement at this ridiculous stereotype.

    Very openminded of them to just make such assumptions even though I would be a million dollars if they mentioned satan to the average religious person that person could care less.

    But why deal in facts when you can just make ridiculous assumptions that would allow you to feel superior to those you disagree with?

  6. Conditioning from birth.

  7. He's like the Boogeyman to them.  

  8. I've never seen this. Are you sure they all do this? Or is it possible only a few do this? Your sweeping generality is misplaced. The more seriously one takes the reward/punishment dogma of the church, the more likely the mention of the punishment would bother some people... but to "freak out" as you say, appears to be somewhat unlikely at best.

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