
Why do religious people make their kids follow 'their' religious beliefs?

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And why do religious people get so upset when observers point out this parental brainwashing technique?




  1. As long as they're under MY roof, They're going to church. It's friendly and non denominational.

    But, I'm going to let them get old enough to understand religion.

    EDIT* .... So Atheist parents can raise there kids as non-believers, but when Christians do it, it's horrible?

  2. I don't see anything wrong with this. It's no different than an atheist tellin his kids god is an imaginary being.

  3. because when you believe in something so much you think it is right to teach it to your chidren

  4. would you teach your kid that 2+2=6? No you would teach them the truth. So why wouldnt a parent teach thier child the truth.

  5. It is the responsibility of a parent to pass on their value systems to their offspring.

    Can we assume from your question that you think parents should only pass on the values to their children that you tend to agree with?  If so, it is apparent we both believe in God.  We merely disagree on who He is.

  6. Would you call your sharing your beliefs brainwashing? It doesnt matter whether you are an athesist or a person who believes in God. You will do everything in your power to instill in your children the same thoughts and beliefs. That is our nature.

    The one difference is this:

    If believers in God are right in their belief, they will be providing them with a source of strength and blessings throughout their life and an everlasting eternity with God.

    What will not believing give to your children? It will give them a life of self indulgence but an eternity of nothingness.

  7. I don't know.  It seems ridiculous that parents would teach their children what they consider to be truth.  Instead, parents should just let their kids "float" and see if they are lucky enough to pick it up on their own.  This goes for all aspects of parental responsibilities.  Parents should sit back and smoke weed and let their kids do their own thing.  Now *that's* responsible parenting.

  8. Why would we teach our children wrong on purpose?  We are to raise our children in the best manner we know how.  When they get out on their own, they are free to do as they wish.

    I don't lie to my children about Santa etc.  Why do non-believers exercise this belief, especially when they don't believe in CHRISTmas.

    EDIT:  I don't think YOU get what Jman is saying.

  9. Well, excluding the nut cases who DO actually brainwash their children, Carrie style .... its family tradition.  You were brought up this way, you of course believe your beliefs to be the best for you and your family, you're going to teach your children the family religion.  Its been going on for millennia.

    Can it not be said, that an atheist is brainwashing their children when teaching them there is no god or soul or anything out there?  And when they come up with a question regarding it, are you going to tell a 5 year old that they can decide for themselves? Or are you going to just come out and say "there is no god, its a fairy tale."

  10. the parent think whtevr religion they are practicing is truth.....and its their duty to put their children to right path....once the child is grown enough to understand all the religions....he/she can follow whtever they want

  11. Christians care enough about YOU ALL to "bug " you by telling YOU that YOU matter . We do NOT even know you, and YOU matter to us. Imagine HOW God feels about YOU! He has known you since BEFORE conception~

    I keep witnessing to non Christians because it is the BEST job on the planet to be part of. Warriors for CHRIST and for Gods plan to plant the seeds of Faith~ Once they grow... YOU will K N O W the miracles and BLESSINGS we speak of. You just can not take our word for it.... so WE cast our pearls for ANY that may be seeking the TRUTH. Why? cuz' its our job. OUR very BLESSED , but difficult job .

    "GOD believes in Y O U ~ ask HIM."

    The evidence of God and Jesus is in the answering of prayers, prayed in FAITH or OUT of a last ditch effort of a non believer.

    Miracles THAT no hands of humans have caused, except the hands folded together in prayer to Jesus and OUR Father.

    Proof that Non believers calling miracles and "signs" coincidence, but wishing God was real, so that they too may experience coincidence of good things coming together for THEMSELVES and for their OWN peace of mind.

    Faith is proved TRUE when you are so negative you can NOT stand your own selves...

    so we try FAITH.... and ask for help... just in case...... its true.

    THEN "coincidences" take on A WHOLE new meaning when they become OUR VERY OWN answer to prayer for relief from our pain.

    Proof In a prepared heart that hears Loudly for the first time, what they once hated and CURSED as LIES.

    Moving forward to the exuberance of a new child of wonderment , seeing for the VERY first TIME all the Blessings we were bestowed with all along that we NEVER once gave thanks for....

    Becoming a Harvester for God, NOT because this is what is required.......

    BUT because we can NOT IMAGINE KEEPING this information and TRUTHS to OURSELVES.

    You may NOT believe in God , but HE still BELIEVES in YOU. He Loves you and has much patience.

    ............THAT is why WE tell OUR CHILDREN about Christ.

    Happy Harvest Time~


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