
Why do republican have such a....?

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double standard when it comes to confronting the issues?

Especially now that they have pandered to the public and nominated an unknown female for VP?

She is being investigated for ethical violations.

Her daughter is pregnant at 17 because of the failed abstinence policies.

She is tied to Big Oil.

She has connections to the AIP.

She is everything the Democrats stand against.

Why can't the Democrats attack these issues? Is it because she is a female? Is it not our right to point out her weaknesses?

Can we say Double Standard?




  1. We don't. The issues are what matter. Believe me, after the personal attacks on Palin are over, so will begin the attacks on the issues.  

  2. Stop with the oil issues!  It's just some talking points that political machines churn out.  The only connection she has with big oil is that her husband is a roughneck (= blue collar) for an oil DRILLING company, NOT BIG OIL.  Plus, she supports drilling in ANWR, as does Obama.

  3. Double standard? Refer to Democrat in the dictionary.

  4. And democrats don't have double standards?

    Why do they call you a racist if you don't vote for Obama and if you don't want illegal immigrants in the country?

    Why is it okay to talk badly about Christians, but you better not say anything bad about Muslims!

    Why was it okay that Obama's pastor speaks racist remarks against white people, but if a republican had a pastor that was racist against blacks, there would be h**l to pay?

    Why is it okay that Obama is friends with William Ayers? (who is an admitted domestic terrorist with the Weather Underground, which declared war on the United States and claimed responsibility for bombing several government buildings, including the Pentagon and the State Department building, in the 1970s)

    Why was it okay that Bill Clinton was having a sexual relationship with an intern in the white house?

    Why do the democrats claim to want equal rights for women, but tell Palin that her role as a mother should be in the home?  If she were a man, the fact that she has five children would never be an issue.

    Why is it okay for them to say that women will vote for McCain/Palin only because there's a woman on the ticket?  But you're not allowed to say that blacks will vote for Obama simply because he's black?

    Yes, I can say "double standard".

  5. Democrats need to address the issues and stay on point. Where Palin is a hypocrite, make sure everyone is aware.

    But the issues that affect this country are not abortion and God, but the economy and the illegal war in Iraq.

    As long as Democrats hammer the GOP on THOSE issues Palin will be an also ran with McCain.

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