
Why do republicans all of sudden adore teen pregnancy?

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Her mother is a Governor, of course she wont need financial assistance.




  1. I think it's ironic how she is pro-life when it comes to abortion and her teen daughter is pregnant. Would she bend her beliefs or disown her daughter if she had an abortion?

  2. They are commending her not giving up and giving in to having an abortion. They are not adoring teen pregnancy, they are applauding her maturity.

  3. the audience are being distracted over the daughter getting preggy and losing in their minds what is more important which is the campaign. Mccain is a good candidate, but if his gonna lose over this situation, then I might as well be riding in on top of Big Bird waving at Elmo and the Cookie Monster while eating cheetos, the crunchy ones, while wearing socks and sandal. I go for Democrats though :PPP

  4. well, you know; I assume they wouldn't if it was on the Democrats. they're just defending themselves. we all know teenage pregnancy is aweful!

  5. Because republicans suck!

  6. I keep saying....the shoe is now on the other foot.....and it's a little snug.

  7. Lol, I've been wondering the same thing. I think it's the first time it happened to a republican, lol.

  8. you gotta be kidding me.

    What is it about obama that you like, his color, or the number of times he says change in speeches. The guy hasn't done c**p in comparison to McCain, and i suppose I am racist. I don't like his azz, and I hope he loses horribly. Go talk to his bill ayers, or jerimiah wrights, god d**n america and all, and talk to me about adoration. The messiah he's called, he is goes to this church that preaches hate, but the preacher takes the money from the inner city and buys a huge house in white suburbia. You all are mad because?? She has kids? That her 17 has a child on the way? What ever, racism/sexism/anti-christian liberal God-D*mn preaching american hating americans, that is the left.

    By the way, she is not having us pay for it like most inner city pregnancies. She is going to get married, and not show up on Maury trying to figure out which boyfriend knocked her up. She is doing what is right, keeping it and making the best out of it. Not getting on a social program and making me pay for her mistakes. That is what we adore. She isn't aborting it, she is sticking it out, i wish more liberal moms would have have abortions, and that is the truth. Was that harsh?

  9. It's sickening, isn't it.  Did Palin teach her daughter abstinence only, or contraceptives?  So she didn't get an abortion - big deal.  Lots of black teens on welfare don't either, but you don't see the republicans rallying around them - or offering them social services.  I guess it's okay if you're rich.

  10. Because they're hippocritical.  It's funny how when teen pregnancy happens to people in the more Democratic communities, they bash it and talk about how wrong it is, and how it's a mistake that could have been avoided.  Then, it happens to someone from the Republican party, and they say "Huh?  Oh, you guys are so silly, we've always been okay with people making mistakes.  We know people aren't perfect.  It happens.  No big deal."  

  11. Show me where one person has gone back on their views...

    Go ahead I will wait...

    Here let me save you some time and effort.

    No one has.  Only in your twisted little mentality you think just because we are not blasting a 17 year old that some how we are for teen pregnancy.

    See here is the diffrence.  

    1) She is not getting an abortion.

    2) The baby will be born in to a home able to support it.

    3) The Parents will be getting married, not simply leaving it in a one parent family.

    4) The parents are taking responsibility for the baby, not making it a burden of the state.

    Now I know it might be a little hard to understand, but do you see how that is different from a 17 year old who may already be on government assistance who gets pregnant without some one else to help raise the child, who can not support the child and will not be bringing the child up in a stable environment?

    Kids get pregnant...  Duh!

    But how the infant is brought in to this world and raised is the issue.

    is it a shame she did not wait till she was in a better possition to raise the child? yes.

    But is the child going to suffer for the mistake of the parent?  No!

    and that's the point.

    I hope someday you grow up to understand the difference between becoming a responsible parent and some one who sees children as a burden.

  12. those idiots get pregnant, and then cannot support a family. Then they go on welfare. In the end they complain about liberals promoting welfare when in reality its their pregnant teenagers daughters that need it

    thats republican hypocrisy

  13. uh hu uh sound like a generalizationist...uh hu uh hu...

    who said we adore it...we accept people aren't perfect and make mistakes...we just don't think mistakes should be considered normal...

  14. Sarah Palin's (the VP for John McCain) daughter is pregnant. Her daughter is only 18 and the pregnancy was unplanned.

    Being a Conservative Republican, Palin's daughter is choosing to keep the baby and marry her father.

    Idk if she's keeping the baby because she personally wants to though.

  15. because Republicans will do anything for a vote like they will do anything for a buck

  16. They are used to being in denial. Their head is stuck too far under a rock to realize how full of it they are.

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