
Why do republicans always steer conversations away from legitimate policy debate to innuendos and smears?

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its almost as if they dont want to have intelligent debate over policies, such as energy policy, warfare, foreign policy, outsoursing of jobs, healthcare etc....but would rather say....."oh but obama sat in wright's church for 20 years listening to hate speech...I would rather talk about that".




  1. You're ignorant.  The Liberal crazies out there are a gajillion times more prone to getting off task when asked the hard questions.  They are quick to point fingers and throw about the word "Change" with no actual answers to Americas "supposed" problems.  Please......Cite example before throwing this sort of garbage in the ring.

  2. Isn't that what you are doing right now?

  3. what can they do, debate the issues?  Don't make me laugh.  No, its too easy to call someone un-american and be on with it so they can watch Nascar.

  4. It comes from both sides, I'm a conservative and am guilty of doing so on occasion. But I must say, growing up in liberal NOR CAL, I've had my fair share of political debates over Iraq, abortion, death penalty and communism in general with libs. And if I had a dollar for every time I heard: "well Bush is the worst prez ever and was a dope head", I wouldn't be working at Target for a car right now.

  5. Nice rant.

    Democrats do that too.

  6. Obviously, you don't know Republicans. And for the record, I'm an Independent. I have issues with Republicans, but for legitimate reasons.

  7. Perhaps because all they see are questions like yours - smears - but no questions on policy?

    I've yet to see any democrat interest in an intelligent debate on here.

  8. I think it's an act of desperation....they know Obama will be elected...and it's driving them crazy.

    number of stupid con posts has more than doubled since Obama sealed the nomination...

    I refuse to believe they just don't care, because these issues affect them too.  They're just frustrated.

  9. Okay, lets talk policy.

    Obama wants to raise your income taxes.  Obama wants to raise your social security taxes.  Obama wants the price of fuel to keep increasing.  Obama wants to raise taxes on industry (that then get passed along to the customer).  Obama wants to socialize medicine (Canada, France, Britain, and Germany have all shown that that doesn't work and are moving away from it).  Obama wants to ensure that you cannot defend yourself from criminals.

    That's just a start, what else would you like to go into.

  10. Oh please, I have seen any liberal start a debate with anything resembling factual information.

  11. it has been my observation that democrats are more prone to that behavior than republicans.. by the way i am neither.l

  12. You mean like questioning someone patriotism because they were tortured? Oh wait that's more of a dem move.

  13. Because logic, reason, facts and compromise are like Kryptonite to Republicans.

  14. Why do democrats always steer conversations away from legitimate policy debate to innuendos and smears?

    I find many democrats (and republicans), especially the surrogates that claim to represent their respective candidates, do not speak with any relevance about the issues at all.  These talking heads are so smart they have learned to say nothing at all -- and we believe them!

    I have both republican and democrat, leaning, friends which are intelligent and up to date on the policies and the issues.  I find it interesting to find someone who does not agree with my point of view. Don't all, you all?

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