
Why do republicans/conservatives for the most part not fall for global warming?

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Why do republicans/conservatives for the most part not fall for global warming?




  1. Republicans and conservatives are independent thinkers.  They look for objective data and decide for themselves.

    Liberals and demo'rats are of a collective mindset.  They follow what others tell them.  You may hear them on this board - Pat Roberson and Newt Gingrich believe, so you should as well.  There are no mathematical formulas to back up their claims, just testimonies of authority figures. They are afraid to question authority.

  2. Because God would never let the world melt and flood the earth again. So right-wing conservatives dont' buy into the whole left-wing liberal devil talk.....

    Plus republicans eat babies....

  3. They don't want to get stuck holding any oil stocks ! Right now it really doesn't matter what crazy idea they come up with to try to explain away the facts of AGW.  The science is in.

    I saw today that it has come down to trying to decide what 'name' to call anybody that 'believes' in AGW. So what,who cares what 'name' they call us.  It just shows for sure,that they got NOTHING!  

    Interesting how drought is the deadliest of weather events of climate change. The worst drought in American history is withering the SouthEast US ,and shows no sign of letting up.  Let's see what happens by next year!  New President!  New Hope for the Earth!

  4. That is an interesting observation when you consider that liberals/democrats do not push the traditional religions such as catholicism and christianity as heavily as the republicans do.

    It seems that there is a basic human subconscious need to buy into some fantasy balloon such as 'god created the earth 10 000 years ago' or 'we can control the weather, just do as I say.'

    CO2 levels were higher at the beginning of the industrial revolution than they are now, so there.

    BTW I wouldn't take advice from anyone at Ford; they can't keep their own company afloat.

  5. In the 70s these same wachos were warning us about global cooling due to pollution.  But let us assume that Al Gore, who lives in a twenty room energy guzzling mansion is right about global warming.  The answer can be found in France.  France leads the world it nuclear power plants.  They started with an American design from Westinghouse and not one Frenchmen has been injured by nuclear power.  For the last thirty years the democrates have blocked the construction of any new nuke plants.  Instead we have coal and oil fired plants belching pollution into the atmosphere.

  6. Because it has not been scientifically proven.... We don't fall for Hoaxes to easily.

    I am a naturalist/ Conservationist. I have been following the climate change since the 80's.

    Climate Change is a more accurate term....

    I am not denying that the earth 's climate changes, these are called cycles. I have only found FACT to sustain that these are warming and cooling cycles.

    More than 400 scientists challenge claims by former Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations about the threat of man-made global warming, a new Senate minority report says.

    The scientists — many of whom are current or former members of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that shares the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Mr. Gore for publicizing a climate crisis — cast doubt on the "scientific consensus" that man-made global warming imperils the planet.

    Environmentalists generally only care about the environment for political gain.

    Anyone who really cares about the environment are generally known as conservationists.

    We just need to continue to conserve energy and protect the environment. Leave the rest to God.

  7. Because some (not most, as you say) let themselves be driven by politics, not science.  Those that examine the science accept that global warming is real and mostly caused by us.

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

    "I believe there is now more than enough evidence of climate change to warrant an immediate and comprehensive - but considered - response. Anyone who disagrees is, in my view, still in denial."

    Ford Motor Company CEO William Clay Ford, Jr.

    "The science of global warming is clear. We know enough to act now. We must act now."

    James Rogers, CEO of Charlotte-based Duke Energy.

    "Republican governors team up against global warming"

    "the overwhelming number of scientists now believe that there is significant human cause,'' Giuliani said, adding the debate on the existence of global warming "is almost unnecessary ... ''

    "(from Republicans for Environmental Protection) The consensus of almost all climate scientists is that global warming is already happening, that human actions are causing it, and that it will cause major problems for our planet."

  8. I think the political right is less inclined to feel guilty and to attribute blame.  

    The political left seems to guit trip sometimes, often about things that are completely beyond their control or things that happened before they were even born.  Also there is blame.  Any large organisation seems to be to blame for something bad and it seems to be forgotten that the affluent lifestyle we enjoy comes from the market economy and large corporations competing with each other to supply us with whatever products and services we want.  They don't seem so bad to me.

    Al Gore certainly doesn't lie awake at night wrestling with his concious about how much CO2 he personally generates.  He's too preoccupied counting all his money, he's also found a way of making money out of the guilt and blame of other people.

  9. Because republicans/conservatives fall under the "ME" category and dems/liberals fall under the "WE" category. Republicans are more worried about what can happen to themselves rather than our country/planet as a whole.

    Republican thinking:

    1. Gasoline prices could go up and I won't be able to drive my gas-guzzler as much, or I will continue to but it will take away from my other consumption wants.

    2. I will pay much more for heating/cooling my home

    3. I will be forced to buy energy efficient, green products (heaven forbid)

    4. I need 100% proof the AGW is real, until then I will chalk it up to natural causes, after having first categorically denying it in the first place. I must change my rational often to keep those pesky libs off balance.

    5. So what if gravity has not been proven. I will believe in gravity because I can see it happening and it doesn't affect me (as long as I don't fall from a great height or something falls on me).

    6. GW doesn't conform to my wants.

    Democrat thinking:

    1. I may pay for energy, but it's good for US in the long run to move to a greener infrastructure and will eventually pay for itself.

    2. I want a clean planet not for just my children, but all children.

  10. When the earth has changed temperature before, or undergone disasters, life has survived by adapting to the new circumstances. Only man is arrogant enough to believe it can control the weather. Every attempt we have made to do this has failed before even to control small rivers. What makes people belive that by controlling mans behaviour that we can maintain the weather the way we want it. If we can, could we make where I live a nice room temperature all year please?

  11. we want to gather all the facts from both sides then decide.

    Not just the side of environmentalists and alarmists

  12. Most republicans do not want to believe it. Many republicans support and work for corporations that are polluting the earth. The right-wingers are like the Bushes and d**k Cheneys, who rake in fortunes from oil and corporate industries, which contribute significantly to global warming. To admit that they are contributing to demise of mankind would be contrary to their right-wing "morality" and sense of justice. So they remain in denial, which is very much human nature. Denial is stronger, the more painful the truth. Anyone who reaps profits from damaging the environment will be among the last to admit that there is something wrong. Imagine the unfathomable amount of culpability George Bush would be conceding to if he, for even a half minute, could understand the magnitude and the irrevocable nature of the damage to the ozone layer that petroleum fuels have caused. (This hypothetical statement is based on the hypothetical premise that he would have the IQ to comprehend the science behind these facts and a moral conscience.)


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