
Why do republicans only come the aid of people in an election year?

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Why do republicans only come the aid of people in an election year?




  1. cause thats the only time it matters. if they did it another time you woudl not remember them and it would not help them duringnext elections. so during the election year you see great things and hear great plans that never work and get done

  2. That's how republicans are.  They say things you want to hear so you will vote for them then they f*** you over later.  The sad part is that there are actually people who believe the things they say.

  3. Because if people would get off their butts, they wouldn't need aid, in most cases.

  4. Democrats do the same. We never see a Politician unless they want our money, and support to send them back to their Public Office.

  5. they don't, but nice try.

  6. i dont really care, but i doubt that's even true, at least they go at all, democrats are just big hipocrites, look at al gore, he preached all that power saving stuff, yet he has one of the biggest carbon foot prints in th WORLD...

    oh, and i am neither, the government is too corrupt for me to agree with, so i choose anarchy

  7. I know, it's so effed up,

    the first tell you what they are going to do,  and then they do good then we elect them, right?

    But then, they eff up the country later on.

  8. they guy b******s

  9. they don't

  10. State & City Governments are supposed to help in Day-to-day affairs, with only Emergency Help from the Federal Government...!!

  11. They don't.  

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