
Why do republicans that support Pro-life...?

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Say there is no pro-choice, only pro-abortion?

PRO-CHOICE supporters are not supporting abortion. They are supporting females' rights to do what they want with THEIR body. What they do with that decision, is up to them. Why should government have any say what so ever?!? Don't conservatives preach less government??

Poverty stricken "catholics" that choose to have 8 kids, but lack the financial ability to raise those kids with what they need in life choose to procreate and be a burden on society. Should we enact a law that requires catholics to undergo a mental and fiscal screening before they are allowed to choose to have another child of poverty?




  1. They have tunnel vision. Pro-choice is just that. It's a choice that women should make because it affects them. They should be able to do what is in their best interest. They should not be trapped. There are plenty of people that should not be parents because they don't know what a parent is or what a parent does. Poor Kaylee.

  2. So pro choice is for Catholic women who can not control their sexual urges?  If they are Catholic and they  proctice their faith, they have no choice.  Abortion is against the Catholic teaching.  Maybe it is for rich protestant white women who do not want children, but still want s*x.  Or maybe it is for only poor people or uneducated women who do not know any better?  I elect you to decide who should land who should not qualify to have children.  You seem to know so much about other women and  their needs.

  3. Because we don't see it as someone's right to do something with THEIR own body.  The life you are terminating does not have the same DNA of the mother, therefore it is not a choice to affect yourself: you are affecting something (or someone) else.

    Your rights end when they infringe on the rights of someone else.  Someone who is pro-life has no problems with you doing whatever you want to your own body.  They do have a problem with you taking the life of another human.


    Add: Do you support the choice to kill infants under 6 months?  Under a year?  How about the choice to kill the deadbeat father of your baby if he isn't paying?  That's how ridiculous it sounds to me to be "pro-choice" but saying you don't support abortion.  If you support the choice to have an abortion, you support abortion.

    Here's a thought excercise for you.  Take women out of the whole question and consider a laboratory in the not too distant future where a scientists creates a human being out of a sperm and an egg.  That scientist grows it for 1,3,6,9,12,15 months.  At what point does that life he/she is growing have rights?  When can the scientist decide the experiment is over and flush it, and when is that scientist obligated to help it?  Answer that, and that's your answer for reasonable abortions.

    Well I answered your question about why a pro-life person believes abortion shouldn't be a legal choice.  If you're unwilling to see the debate from their point of view and accept their premise as reasonable, it is not worth a discussion with you.

  4. You are correct.

    And for the record. Pro-life is incorrect - - they should be called "Pro-Control" since it is all about controlling other people

  5. Indeed.  It is really a question of being pro-choice or anti-choice.

  6. But if it is so Pro-Choice then what about the choice of the father at the very least? Why doesn't he get the right to choose? Because a human life is not growing and living inside of him? That is fallacy... He had just as much to do with the conception of the child as the woman...

    And if it is so pro-choice then why aren't people taking responsibility for their choice to have s*x outside of marriage or to make sure they had enough birth control... or just control period....

    I am pro-choice... but in that one should take responsibility for them not find some cop out because of their immaturity and selfishness... I am sorry if people don't like this view but it is mine...

  7. Well Pro Life supporters have been manipulated all along and they do not like it that we are free to think and decide for ourselves.

  8. Yes,that's exactly right!

    I don't care if someone is pro-life or pro-choice,but please don't mischaracterize the other sides's position.

    Pro-choice means choice.Just because we advocate a woman's right to CHOOSE,doesn't mean that we're advocating abortion. I just feel that abortion is an important option to have.

    If a woman gets raped and wants to have an abortion,that's her choice. If she wants to put it up for adoption,that's her choice. If she wants to keep the baby,that's her choice.

    That's what I mean by pro-choice. Even if someone doesn't agree with me on abortion rights,I think it's terribly unfair to call pro-choicers,pro-abortionists.

    I think the abortion debate comes down to whether or not you believe life begins at conception. I don't really know.I'm leaning more to the side of it doesn't begin at conception.That's my opinion.

    I think it's wrong to call people murderers as well. I think it's sick to call a woman who was raped a murderer.

    Both sides just need to admit that abortion is just a really complicated issue.It's not as black/white as people make it out to be. It's going to need compromise, and it will be morally complex

    @ katie,you make a good point,but if the father is a rapist,he does not get a choice.

    If it was a mutual conception,then the father does have some say in it.

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