
Why do republicans think middle class people are lazy!?

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people that make under 180,000 a year will see a tax cut under obamas plan...all repubs talk about is how dems give rich peoples money to poor crackheads




  1. I don't get it. There are a lot of hard working, educated people in this country who are still struggling to make ends meet. The economy has taken such a dump in the last 7 1/2 years and so many jobs have been sent overseas that it's getting harder to make a living for the middle class. It doesn't seem to be getting much better either.

  2. It's so great just to look at the statistics of anyone who makes even 175,000 dollars a year. LOW LOW percentage. Guess we're all just bums huh?

    They're just fearful people. They don't know what to do. They rely on the rich. They don't want them to take away the jobs and blah blah.

    They're just a bunch of bums begging for the rich to grace us.

    Yet they're Christians.

  3. That's not true. He plans to raise the capital gains tax rate and that will affect anyone who has any money in the market.  

  4. where did you dig up this BS from? Oh my goodness kid, move out of your parents basement and get a job and live in the real world.

  5. I don't buy what Obama is selling.

    If you make under $180,000 and are renting, what do you think will happen if your landlord's taxes skyrocket?  He will increase your rent to make the difference!

    What do you think will happen to the cost of goods at your local store if the business gets taxed more?  Cost of good will go up (or they will lay off people)

    And when we say we don't want our money taken & given to crackheads, we are talking about welfare for those who just decide they don't want to work!

    Those kinds don't make ANY money Uncle Sam doesn't hand them!

  6. I wish that were true. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in a housing crisis of my own at the moment.

  7. Guess what! Tax cuts are generally considered a republican idea. Remember that check you got from the IRS after you paid your taxes this year? That was given to you by Bush because he was trying to help the economy. All taxes should be a standard percentage for all Americans and it should only be enough to run the government the way the Constitution says it should be run!  

  8. Good points. Republicans tend to have a very idealistic view of reality. they blame liberals for all the bad qualities that they themselves have in spades.  They make all sorts of excuses for why corporate power should be allowed to usurp common people, buy legislation and reign over the land. All the excuses they make are fronts for protecting the wealth of the wealthy by making the middle class either feel guilty or feel angry. Guilty because they didn't strike it rich and angry for all sorts of bogus reasons (the illegal aliens are taking my money, the liberals are ruining everything etc...) when it is really the greed of a handful of people who make sure that not a drop trickles down from the pig trough. Many of these people think about nothing but money. They have no other life or hobby but the accumulation of money and the protection of their families. It doesn't occur to many of them that there are other reasons to live. And they try to disguise their greed and materialism by hiding it behind a flag and a bible. i have never been able to understand why the common man can't see through these clowns. i think the religion softens them up.

  9. Because they are rich enough to not be concerned with our problems.. McCain owns 7 houses, a jet, and a parking lot.. Why would he care how much gas is? If we're in a recession it wont affect him  

  10. Republicans are to lazy too actually look up his tax plan. The ones that do don't get it because they use Republican logic.

    In their minds tax cuts for the rich = good for the economy

    But tax cuts for the rest of America = welfare

    For those of you who don't know Obama's tax plan look it up right here.

  11. ez

  12. You found obama's plan?  The one that outlines how he intends to fix social security, provide free college educations, start socialized medicine, balance the budget, pay down the deficit, bail out the retards who bought more house than they can afford, save all the banks, fix f***y mae and freddy mac, send untold billions to Africa for ?, and do so while lowering taxes on 95% of America?  Oh, do share....

    BTW, isn't a tax on gas a tax on everyone including the middle class?

  13. middle class republican here...and yes, if we built a border and gave the boot to illegal immigrants i wouldnt mind paying for your healthcare...i'd even be ok with some basketball camps in the ghetto's...but for now, i'll take care of my own healthcare and teeth, while our money is being wasted on our tan friends.  and what kind of message do we send people when we incent them to not be succesful.  make less than 30k a year and we'll cut you slack.  it's hard enough to keep white american youth motivated, let alone minorities...people need to realize that if they don't get educated, and dont care about themselves, there will be consequences.

  14. I am republican I am middle class and I am anything but lazy . However is someone is sitting around kicking out babies and doing notta to help themselves those people don't deserve it in my book .

    I am the single parent of three, with a single family income (mine) and I refuse to use government assistance because I think it is being abused and pulling this country into the ground.

    This is the only country in the world that rewards people for having kids they can not feed. If someone was working there bottoms off and still not making ends meet I would  be all for that person being eligible to receive help . Elderly , born handicapped or disabled can be on that list too , but baby factory's,crack heads , lazy  does not get my sympathy .  

  15. Republicans have never said the middle class was lazy.  They support tax cuts for lower and middle class as well as for small businesses.  they want to give tax breaks to businesses so that business owners can use that money for health care for their employees.  

  16. People making under 250,000$ will see tax cuts, you mean.

    Even so, do the math.

    250,000 / 12

    x / 4 = Your pay? Then higher taxes.

    But my weekly pay is nothing of such a number.

  17. they don't directly... it's just what their ideology suggests...

    I can't tell you how many times I've read "if you're not rich, you're just not trying hard enough" from them...

    they do say directly that poor people are lazy though...

  18. It is part of their Mantra, ironically most of them are in that same boat.

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