
Why do restaurants ask you to order drinks right away before you even take a look at what you are going to eat

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I mean, at least in the Midwest, they ask you for your drink order before you even sit down. Then if you say you want nothing, they bring you a large glass of ice water even in winter. If I'd be dying for a drink. I'd go to a bar, I am talking about sit down restaurants. Maybe if you are a waiter/waitress can explain this nonsense to me! Thanks




  1. Well, I know at my restaurant, we are required to greet you within 30 seconds and introduce ourselves and ask for a drink order.  Usually people know what they want to drink when they sit down unless they are looking for the cocktails or beer list.  If you can't figure out what soft drink you want before you look at the menu, something is wrong with you, but I understand your point about alcohol.  We are just required to ask you immediately, so please don't be offended.

  2. so you'll have something to drink while waiting for your food

  3. at my restaurant i am required to greet you in 30 seconds, if you don't look too smart I'll give you a few extra seconds, i know it's extremely difficult to order a soda or whatever b.s. you usually get.

  4. Getting your drinks before the waiter/waitress takes your order, gives the customers time to look at the menu so they will have more time and not be bombarded by the waiter/waitress. This also gives the customers something to drink to quench the thirst of the customer.

  5. Yes I hate that.

    I always happens, I don't want to order a drink before I know what I want to eat!

  6. cause some people might be thirsty DUH

  7. I'm a server at a Steakhouse. We are required to go to the table within 30 seconds of you sitting down, in which I usually eye the table and make sure you've taken a few breaths. 30 seconds is too short. We go over and tell you the specials of the night and ask for a drink so you have something while looking over the menu. We also ask for a drink so that while we get it, you get a few minutes to look over the menu. We never try to be a pain, just there to serve you and make sure you're happy. Also, at the steakhouse I work at, when we bring drinks, we also bring bread for you to munch on. Hostesses don't ask for drinks at my restuarant, so if they do down in the midwest, that's annoying. Just tell your server you want a few minutes to figure it out! They won't be offended.

  8. This is a revenue spinner! Here in the UK in some of the better class establishments you just sit down and they ask if you want to start with a glass of champagne! If its free buddy then yes!

  9. at $7.50 per drink it's economics, plus a watered down drink...I just lie and say "no thank you, I'm in AA"

  10. they get the biggest profit margins from drinks !

  11. it allows you to have a drink while the server takes care of other table....some mgt make their employees ask for drink within 15 second! of being seated  and if no drinks ordered, they bring you water.....water always was on table at restaurants until droughts start occur, then they stopped so much, but a lot of restaurants are offering again.....dont blame server, blame management....they worry so much about service and doing everything right so you spend more money, they make servers look stupid....I have served in restaurants and also have eaten out and I agree with you, but i also see other side......nothing worse than a customer saying they had to wait, mgt highly frown on can even lose your job.....relax

  12. The restaurant owner wants you to order drinks before you see the outrageous prices.

  13. It gives you something to sip on while you get seated, the server takes your order, and the cook prepares your food.  They're trying to make you comfortable.  I do the same thing when someone comes to my home.

  14. As many people mentioned, most servers are required to get a drink order first. Trust me, when people sit down they usually are expecting a drink ASAP. We would get h**l if we didn't offer a drink! "Where's my drink, I'm thirsty, blah blah blah..." If you do not know what you would like, simply say (nicely), "I haven't decided yet, can I please have a minute?"

    On that note, I'd like to address all restaurant patrons...When a server asks if you would like a drink or beverage, we don't necessarily mean alcohol!! So don't say something snotty like, "I don't drink, I'll just have water!" Well what exactly do you plan on doing with that water? Bathe in it?? No, we are just asking what liquid you would like to drink, wheter it's a double Long Island or a lemonade.

  15. It's for a few reasons.  

    The hostess is trying to help out the server if it is busy.  It gives the customers something so they don't feel like they are waiting forever.  It is a portion of the service cycle giving the patron some time to look over the menu while the server is not lurking over shoulder and making the customer feel rushed.

  16. It just seems to be the norm that people want a drink while they decide.  It makes the waiter feel uncomfortable because it messes up their steps of service.  If you dont want a drink when you sit down , thats fine just say it in a nice way and tell them to check with you in a few minutes.  Do not get annoyed because they are doing their  job and want to make sure you are happy while you are there. They deal with so many different types of people and have to anticipate everyones needs and these are people they have never met before so they do no know your preferences until you help them serve you the way you want to be served so give them a break and be nice while you state your prefrence.  You shouldnt have a problem after that.

  17. What most people don't realize is that just like any other company, they have standards and guidelines that servers have to follow as well. Greeting times, food-preparation times and so forth. When you go out to eat you usually want to sit and enjoy yourself. Why the rush? They just want you to have a pleasant experience, have a refreshing beverage while deciding. No big deal. It's their job. It's what they are asked to do. Just go with it. If someone is going to get mad at the fact that a server is going out of their way to make your dining experience a good one, please leave. Hungry people are angry people and chances are, the table next to you are griping too. I'm a bitter server, can you tell, LOL

  18. It's probably due to the fact that restaurants fall under the "hospitality" category.  As for why they bring water when you clearly state you want absolutely nothing, I think it's to provide humidity at your table.

  19. waiter wants to know if the tab will be large so his tip will be also.

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