
Why do restaurants do this? It seems like such a waste.

by  |  earlier

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Especially the national chains. When you order an entrée that comes with vegetables, it's usually some yellow squash, carrots, and broccoli or something along those lines. They add no seasoning whatsoever. I can't believe they would serve that. I love vegetables but why don't they add some seasonings so they don't taste so bland?




  1. They r just the common vegies and go good with a lot of dishes.

  2. i am a chef and worked in restaurants for 25 years and i know the exact factual answer. although you enjoy the spices in the restaurant business the people we serve are so diverse everyone has an opinion and if they serve it seasoned you get more complaints then you can imagine TRUST ME  . i agree with you i Love veggies but need seasoning but because of problems we are forced to serve plain and let customer add SALT and pepper ,i am sorry but we deal with allot of complainers

  3. It's easy to add the seasoning than to take it out. (ie: If you wanted to add salt & pepper) Even though you like them w/ seasoning there are just as many people that don't!  

  4. Season-less vegetables are not cool ask your server for butter or something to put on them.

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