
Why do restaurants do this?

by  |  earlier

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I travel a lot, and I have to eat out frequently. Everywhere I go, when I enter an empty or nearly empty restaurant, I am always seated at the worst table in the house, the one next to the bathrooms, next to the cigar smokers, next to the door, or the one next to the screaming baby and the toddler throwing silverware. If I ask for a different table, I get moved to the second worst table in the house. Do I just have bad luck, or does this happen to you too?

(I gave up on asking for a different table. I let them seat me, and then I get up and move to the table I want. It's somewhat less frustrating.)




  1. This is common, it seems if you don't look like you will put much of a fight the worse seat will be yours. Picking your own seat is the best answer for this situation.

    But sometimes your seat placement is based on the servers area of tables.

    Being black I can tell you I have seen my share  of bathroom doors and kitchen areas, pick your table if your unhappy!

  2. I, always smile sweetly,and say a "chirpy" Thank you, by which time I've scanned the room for the table of my choice and then, as I'm turning towards the table of my choice, I say, "Oh - if you don't mind, I would rather sit at "that" table" - is that okay?".  They, always, say, "Yes, of course, m'am".  I think that, sometimees, the "newest" waiters are given the poor-choice tables as a challenge and the ones there longer get the better ones (and better tips).

  3. ask for a table u like. for example, i always ask for a booth seat. think about it.. they cant say no unless they dont have any

  4. When you go out you need to be prepared for any possibility concerning seating (cigar smokers, next to the door, screaming kids...). I think this happens to all of us (your not cursed). I sense that you might be extremely annoyed by this. However, this may occur more often to you (than us at home) because you are traveling extensively. I would look at this as just a bad thing that is part of your job. If it bothers you alot you might want to get hotel rooms with some type of kitchenette.

  5. i have a theory you go alone right? one person seats. i think they put you in the worst table becuase your one person and they firgure ooh shes one person my tip will be small ill save the better seats for the larger amount of people. thats my guess. i work in the food /server business too. but where i work they already have assigned seats. anyway... i think i noticed that too they always give you the oxward seats like why here? maybe the waitresses are dumb and they put you on a table where they can remember you and where you are. but usually when its empty or near empty i usually just move to a seat i want. they dont say nothing.

  6. Been there, done it.

    When I see that I'm being dragooned off to "Siberia" I dig in my heels, point to the table I want and say, "I'd like to sit there."  Normally the hostess will let out an exasperated sigh and give me my way.

    I tip very good when I get good service.  No server who did his/her job ever had anything to complain about after I left.

  7. well honestly you just have bad luck cause this never happens to me

  8. because they are being stupid...we have three kids and the resturants ALWAYS sit us by the kitchen or the bathroom and they do it on purpose so we don't disturb other people in the resturant..

  9. I have had this happen, as well.  The screaming kid drives me absolutely mad!  If your little beast is misbehaving, remove it from the restaurant until it can act like a human.  It makes me crazy!  It's actually a rarity that I witness well behaved kids or proper parenting. The rest of us should not have to suffer because you cannot control your child.

  10. You go, Jenn.  I often go out by myself, and the staff seem to want to keep the "best" tables for more than one guest.  But don't even let them seat me at THAT table (in the corner, by the kitchen or bathroom).  I tell them to give me another table right away.  I'm paying my money to have an enjoyable meal.  I've never been turned away.

  11. well i just think the restraunt are saving the 'good' tables for whoever else! here's wat i suggest. just do a drive through so you don't have to worry about the tables

  12. nope never 2 me u got bad luck !!! lol... srry :(

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