
Why do rice krispys snap crackle and pop?! [:

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please don't use words too confusing ahah.




  1. because they are bake and get to the piont were they pop when they are added to moisure

  2. The sound you hear from the cereal when moisture contacts it, is the encapsulated (trapped) air being released when moisture softens the material around the pressurized air pockets.

    other baked cereals do this to some degree just not with the volume you hear with RK.

    Pretty cool stuff,,, a cereal that talks.

  3. The three elf characters were originally designed by illustrator Vernon Grant and made their debut in 1933. The names of the elves are derived from a Rice Krispies radio ad. The ad said "Listen to the fairy song of health, the merry chorus sung by Kellogg's Rice Krispies as they merrily snap, crackle, and pop in a bowl of milk. If you've never heard food talking, now is your chance." Inspired by this ad, Grant drew three elves and named them Snap, Crackle, and Pop. He brought the characters to Kellogg's, who bought them on the spot. In the United States and Canada, opinion varies concerning Crackle's occupation, but Snap is always portrayed as a baker and Pop as a soldier.

    Snap is the oldest and the leader of the group. He solves the problems his two brothers create and wears a baker’s hat.

    Crackle is the good-hearted, fun middle child. He gets stuck keeping order between his brothers’ personalities and wears a red-and-white-striped stocking cap.

    Pop is the mischievous, clumsy younger child. He plays jokes, doesn’t take things seriously and wears a military hat.

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