
Why do rich people are the kind of people who become popular?

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Well, here is the sitch. I have a classmate who is really rich and has almost everything. Everyone likes her, but I think i'm kinder than her. Why is that like that?




  1. maybe because people want 2 get things out of them

  2. People who don't have money wish that they could have the things that people WITH money have. Such as a new car, clothes, vacations etc.. But the people who have always had money don't think that there is anything special about it because it has always been that way for them.

    I think that many of us would like to have those things because it would be fun and new, but it doesn't last. Pretty soon, it's just the same old stuff again. No big deal. But we think the stuff will make us happy so we are jealous of those that have it so we want to hang around them so we can live vicariously through them or get to be their friend so we can enjoy some of the things that they have.

  3. Not all rich people are popular for the right reasons. She may be popular because a lot of people like her for all the stuff she has and who she is, where as people may just like you for who you are. It sucks but it's the way school works. :(

  4. its not because shes a better person. its because they like her because she has money, and when a person has money they give away stuff, and when they do everyone wants to be friends with them to get the stufff, and go to the party's. Or the just envy her for having money.

  5. cause they have money

  6. cuz some people would rather go for instant gratification, and since she has everything, they go to her...i guess

    i would be friends with the kinder one though, just because thats me

  7. Ohh people who are her friend just annoy me, you probably are kinder than her but people just want to experience her lavish lifestyle and most people probably just want stuff from her!  

  8. Maybe they are a good person. And sometimes even not-a-good-person is GOOD in their friends eyes. So really, it depends on a person's viewpoint. I might love a friend, but he might be disliked by someone else.

    There are people who might make friends out of shallow reasons.

    Maybe money increases a person's overall attractiveness too. They perhaps get more attention.

    Different factors involved.

    Don't compare. I'll always feel bad bout myself if I compare.

    Be urself. Everyone has a different destiny/different life/diff. qualities/diff. background/diff. experiences/diff. childhood.....diff. everything... one shouldn't compare.

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