
Why do riders on the Tour De France think they can get away with doping?

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Arent all the riders tested?




  1. The reason that the riders believe that they can get away with doping is because they have been able to in the past, but the TDF changed the rules this year to make it much harder to beat the system. In the past a rider was tested for certain levels of markers in their blood, and so long as you did not exceed certain levels, you were fine. If you did not exceed the threshold in these preliminary tests, then a more sophisticated test to determine the cause of the anomalous results was not performed. Think of it as needing probable cause. The preliminary test was to establish probable cause for the more sophisticated test. But the thresholds in the old tests were set at the upper limit of what could naturally occur in the normal human body, under the most extreme conditions. This meant that even obviously abnormal readings might not be sufficient to exceed the threshold, and trigger the second test. This year the TDF did away with the thresholds. Now a riders levels must simply be abnormal to trigger the more sophisticated tests. So what riders got away with in the past, they might not get away with now. It is a constant battle between the the dopers and the testers. Hopefully, the testers are gaining the upper hand.

  2. They're not too bright.

    Let's face it, if you take the drug to help win a race knowing that all stage winners are tested...DUH!!!

  3. It's just like every other professional sport - football, baseball, basketball. They all dope so they can stay competitive and keep their job. It is a gamble they take and try to cover it up. If they don't they can't win against they guy who dopes and doesn't get caught and they are out of a job.

    Why don't they test all other sports like they do cycling? Cycling is the most tested professional sport in existence - why isn't it ok for them but it's ok for all the football and baseball players?

  4. They can use masking agents which might cover evidence of doping so in the past they perhaps thought it was worth the risk but now the authorities have really clamped down and the severe penalties for drugs misuse means it isn't a viable option for many of the riders who don't want their career to be tarnished.

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