
Why do rodents smell bad bad cats and dogs dont?

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why do rodents smell bad' and cats and dogs dont




  1. sent marking

    things like hamsters use scent gland to mark their territory as they relie mch more on their smell than sight as they live in the dark in burrows

  2. That's just your opinion. Many people, including me, happen to like the smell of rodents. Then again, many don't.

  3. because, normally you keep your rodent in a cage, where there is a limited amount of space to do their business. if you don't clean the cage very often, the smell eventually rubs off on the animal. Also, males have scent glands and use them often if there is another animal in the cage. That can cause a bad smell too. Dogs smell bad when they get wet, as do cats. And if you think about it, Dog and cat waste smells worse than rodent's waste

  4. probably becaue they stay in there cage with there p**p and pee and they dont l**k them selves as much as  cats and dogs do

  5. Dont really understand what you mean. Do you mean why do rodents smell bad?

  6. If you mean pet rodents that are in a cage, it's because the cage isn't being cleaned often enough so the urine and poo are smelling.  You can use a product called Sweet PDZ to help control the odor.  If cats and dogs were kept in cage that wasn't kept clean they would smell bad too.

  7. I can often tell as soon as the front door opens, if a person has a cat or a dog!

    Dog and cat owners get used to the smell.  I think some times my lounge smells of hamsters or terrapin water but as I am used toit I only notice if I* go up and sniff the cages/tank.

    If you keep your pet/pet bed/cage/tank clean it's not so bad.

    Everything living stinks if you let it get that bad.

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