
Why do rugby league teams blatently lie about crowd attendances???

by  |  earlier

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and why do they automaticaly include members attendance at ANZ stadium for all game reguardless of who is playing. when clearly life members like myself never attend league games.




  1. I think it may have something to do with sponsor ship deals.The poorer the attendance the less likely a major sponsor is likely in the future.A marketing ploy of sort.

  2. how do you know they lie about crowds

    you stated yourself you do not attend

    are you counting crowds from the idiot box

  3. jesus mate get a life, nothing worse than a loser that creates accounts just to stir up trouble, dont you have anything better to do?

  4. Ohh my godd are you that much of a loser to even begin to talk about bloody crowd attendance.. get out the house mate find something better to do with your boring life.. join a choir or do some homework.. whatever you choose just grow up doing it jeez

  5. I think more the first question should be does any know if there is even a standard system used by all clubs/NRL when announcing the crowd figures?

    Are there assumptions made regarding season ticket holders? Corporate passes? Does someone there for professional reasons (media, photographers etc) count becasue they had to go via a turnstile to enter the ground.

    There are a thousand questions and no way of knowing the answers unless the NRL has a policy and ensure it was enforced on how crowd figures were calculated.

  6. This has to be the most feeble attempt at sh-t stirring yet! Nobody lies about crowds & nobody cares if they did. Go back to your own loser section & leave the real footy fans alone.

  7. They don't automatically include members attendance. They include the members that actually turn up. In case you didn't recognise, during massive games [think origin and bledisloe], half the seats from 20m to 20m is member seat. Thats about 30000 member seats. You don't think 1 in 5 members who have nothing better to do on a weekend don't like popping in to watch a match?

    Let me tell you, they do, and while I'm fine with arrogance, yours is not justified, show the numbers you are getting and your sources please.

  8. So you're a life member and you don't take advantage of going to a game here and there, well you're an idiot aren't you. What the fascination with crowd numbers anyway, if you had intellectual ability and actually followed your own advice "We mock what we do not understand" then you would understand that Rugby League was never a game about crowd figures but about small communities and any idiot knows they lie about crowd attendances because big business morons have taken over the game and tried to turn it into a business and the inflated crowd numbers is a marketing ploy, any idiot could have worked that out

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