
Why do runners wear special running shoes?

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for science blah





  1. it enables speed or something like that.

  2. if you are talking about running spikes runners use them to get better grip into the ground and to give them a better chance of winning than just wearing running shoes running spikes are inexpensive at just 70 euros per pair !!!

  3. running shoes are designed to ease the stresses on the body.

    the way the feet contact the ground, the way the shock travels through the body, etc all contribute to damage to feet, ankles, knees, etc.

    i guess the overall answer would be kind of like why a catcher wears a mask, or why a goalie wears pads.

  4. Running shoes are made to keep the stress from running off of your feet. Most of them (if you have noticed) look almost like Nike Shox with the pillars on the bottom. Those absorb the shock. Other have cushiony soles for this purpose.

    And no it is not stupid, runners are just protecting themselves from injury.

  5. beacuse most people run crooked but its really hard to see need a slow camara to tell you if your runnig crroked..and most of the shoes are really light..

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