
Why do sailors and Marines not like each other?

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I know people who are sailors in the Navy. and they say that the Marines and the sailors on base dont get along with each other. why not?




  1. Sailors dont like anyone lol

    Just bring up the two words "Air Force" and it has them all pissed. Both the Navy and Marine Corps are part of the Department of the Navy, they work together on alot of things. But all in all they are seperate branches(Technically) so thats why they dont like each other.

  2. There is a certain amount of rivalry between all the branches. None of it is really personal - its just they all have their views of the different branches.

  3. Thats depends on who you ask! I like the greenside of the navy. The Corpsmen! they ****** save your life if your bleeding out cuz you got shot or blown up. We call em Semper Squids. Or more appropriatly "docs". Other than that, my job kept me away from the blueside and thats where im happy to stay!

  4. Because the Navy has become a group of punks since Vietnam and they make the same amount of money but don't pull their weight in combat.

    Soldiers feel the same way.

  5. The sailors always get the pretty ladies and the Marines get the not so good looking ones.  

  6. Back in the early days of the United States, the navy had "Tall Ship" , the big sailing type. While out to sea the "bathroom", or as the navy calls it "the head" was a ceramic jar. It fell upon the marines to empty these jars as part of their daily duties. Thus the nickname "Jar Head". And it's pretty much gone down hill since.

  7. Because they are seamen,don't want that getting all over you!

    All jokes aside they have different jobs and do their respective jobs perfectly.

  8. The Navy and Marines used to be on ships together alot more then they are now. And the rivalry started there and still continues. However with that being said its more Navy/Marine  vs Army/Air Force.

  9. "We like the Navy. Every time we go some place to fight, the navy gives us a ride." A few good men.

    The marines fight hand to hand combat. Most Navy does not. There is an exception Navy Seals. Obviously, the baddest mother f*****k e r s,on the planet....

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