
Why do scholars/historians can't tell us the first literary piece was born?

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i need the answer please help me!!!




  1. The Historians, Scholars and archaeologists do know. Everything in history has been recorded and written down. The Bible is the oldest, everything written in the Bible is true from the first man and woman made to this date, and has never been found false, or any part-of it untrue.  Artifacts found show that The math we use today was used in the school rooms three thousand years ago. Pottery, copper, steel has been used for century's. The reason we think we are smarter is that we have access to all the knowledge that has been written down. Now with the computer you can find anything.

  2. The first literary work that was recorded is the ancient Sumerian texts.

    There are also others like the Hebrew Bible and Egyptian Book of the Dead.

  3. Do you think writing just-- poof!-- began from nothing? That one day, a full-blown piece of literature just sprang from the earth? Archeologists dig up the earth looking for what you're asking about, and the ground is full of such stuff. How could anyone know for sure when "writing" started? We weren't there, and they didn't write it down!

  4. Not sure what YOU mean by literary piece, but if you could correctly define what you're looking for, I can guarantee you that there is someone who could tell you when that sort of writing was first developed.

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