
Why do school buses have to stop every five feet???

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I got stuck behind a school bus today, and I promise you it stopped at FOUR DRIVEWAYS, RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER! When I was a kid, the whole neighborhood gathered at one location and the bus picked us up. I know the parents may want to be able to see their kids, but if there are four houses in a row with kids on that bus, can't they let them all off at once? It uses more gas to do it their way, not to mention the already inactive kids that are getting even LESS excercise. Honestly, is there a good reason for this, or is it just Americans coddling their kids?




  1. i live in the UK but have visited the USA

    i was amazed at the very short distance between the nearest school and our hosts house

    i was even more amazed to be told that because of the lack of sidewalks that every kid HAS to be bussed into school even if they live only 10 minutes walk away

    in lieu of the fact of rising fuel prices wouldn't it be cheaper and better for the kids health to use their 2 god-given legs for the purpose they were made for (after using a meter width of space to build sidewalks (OK we call them 'pavements' over here in the UK) rather than the constant bussing here there and everywhere?

    i think that USA kids are far more coddled than British kids - and have an increasing obesity problem as a direct result of this

  2. I wouldn't want my children dropped off at someone elses driveway. There is too much danger these days to trust even 3 driveways away. Try to get up the road a few minutes before the bus goes through and then you won't be stuck. And the children will continue to be safe.

  3. So what you got stuck behind the bus. Big deal. Go to the next school board meeting and whine to them about it. Your probably that person who drives by or goes around the bus when the red lights are on.

  4. what does this have to do with americans?? maybe you should go to another country and  take a goat to a 2 dollar an hour job  then  you wont have to worry about being stuck behind a bus.......

  5. If there pre-k or kindergarden they HAVE to be picked up at there own house grade schoolers like 1st through high school  can go to there stop at like the end of the road..

    My school we go to the end of the road like where the side walk ends and POOF! we get picked up lol

  6. It may have been a bus carrying special needs children. They get dropped off and picked up directly in front of their homes.

  7. now days it is for safety they are trying to prevent all this bulling

    also they are doing there jobs because the younger children the drivers will look for cars at the home and if there is not someone their they have to take the kids back to school. the drivers are more aware of their children now a days and we appreciate them, no price of gas will ever be more important than the safety of a child or 4 at that.more parents need to coddle their children now days that's whats wrong with many kids parents jobs and self is more important no wonder their are so many hoodlums out their causing trouble.

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