
Why do school teachers get paid less than garbage men?

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Why do school teachers get paid less than garbage men?




  1. Because Amercia just sucks when it comes to some things. If they got paid more, I'm sure they would care a little bit more... And well, people wouldn't be so idiotic and unintelligent. Or would they? Who knows.

  2. They have to bribe people with money to pick up peoples trash.

  3. when you make a comparison like this don't forget to add in benefits and the fact that garbage men work 12 months out of the year and teachers only work 9 months  

  4. In the UK, teachers earn a decent salary. My aunt is a Psychology teacher in a private school and drives a BMW 1-series coupe.

  5. because people are stupid and can't do math because they didn't listen to school teachers in the first place.

  6. b/c garbage men do dirty work

  7. Not in my country.

  8. Picking up garbage is a sanitary issue. If we do not have garbage men, disease would be a big problem for everyone. BUT to get people to work picking up garbage, a very physical job with lots of injuries, is hard to do. So we have to pay garbage men more than teachers. The teacher is willing to work for less money because they are in a clean, airconditioned/heated building that they work 6 hours a day AND they get 3 month's off every year. So more perks, for less money.

  9. Because the economy dictates it.

    Well, it depends on the teacher. In the case of the public school teachers, the government can pretty much pay them whatever the heck it wants without answering to anyone.

  10. becuase society doesnt value school teachers...

    An absolute shame..

  11. Stronger union for garbage men for one thing. Most people don't realize everything that a teacher has to do. Many think that it is easy and if you don't feel well, you can just hand out worksheets all day and take it easy. (A colleague of mine's husband actually told her that once.) They think that when 3:00 rolls around you're done, not realizing that we often stay until 6 to get work done and often leave only then because it's dark and late, not because we got everything done. They think that we have it great having the summers off, but many of us have to work over the summer, including summer school, take extra courses, often at our own expense, and do work for the following year.

    I worked in public relations, worked in the theater, done radio news, directed live news shows, wrote medical articles for doctors' journals, and teaching is the hardest job I've ever had!

    As you can see from some of the answers you've gotten, far too many people think teaching is easy.

  12. Because their over all package is better. They get paid for the holidays. And they have other benefits, and also their duty is shorter than the garbage men.  

  13. Because sanitation employees, especially in big cities are considered hazardous duty. They are exposed to high levels of bacteria, chemicals, hidden hazzards like needles, glass, nails, etc. and human waste. One of the greatest hazzards in being injured by heavy lifting and being hit by cars by drivers who are not paying attention.  I have a lot of respect for those individuals.  It is more dangerous then most  people think!

  14. Because teaching is the easiest job ever.

    My wife is a teacher and she agrees with me LOL

  15. thats the first i've heard of that happening in the uk

  16. idk, budget cuts?

  17. I don't know what planet you are from!  It is NOT true.  I suppose that somewhere there is a county or city that pays their 1st year teachers less than they pay their top pay garbage man, but I sincerely doubt it.  In Washington, DC, after 10 years teaching, teach earn OVER a $100k!  A garbage man working double shifts wouldn't make that much.

  18. Because thoughtless people think of teachers and think, "Sheesh, *I* could do that"; and think of garbage collectors and think "Ew, I don't want to do that!!"  In other words, many don't recognize the work and stress and effort required to be a good teacher (possibly carryover from the frequent kids' lack of respect for teachers and school in general, these days?) while they're eager to pay someone else to do a nasty job they don't want to have to think about.

    <edit> Comment on the perks: teaching may be a less physically demanding job, but did you ever try to control a room of bored or sullen teens who'd much rather gossip about the latest conquest of the new quarterback at prom, or be out playing video games, or on their cellphones?  I certainly wouldn't want to.  And three months off?  Show me a teacher who actually GETS a three month break -- usually they're having to pay out of their own pockets for extra training to keep their certification, or teaching summer school or helping with other summer events.  And keep in mind, when they're not working, they're not getting paid, either.  It's also not uncommon for them to pay out of their own pockets for school supplies that the school couldn't get in time, or can'tfind room in the budget for.  Teaching isn't easy.

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