
Why do scorpio men play mind games?

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We been off and on for a year now didnt speak for 3 months and he has mood swings like no other!!!! one minute suffocates me one minute ignores me..Whats the best way to see if he truly cares and means that he loves me??? Stop calling him so often or permanently and blow him off when he wants to hang out or what?? Talking does not help with these creatures lol.... I feel as if im always there for him hes never going to want a commited relationship....isnt it true if a scorpio truly care and loves that person theyll do nething to be with them? help any ideas???




  1.  I'm with a scorpio sun with riseing scorpio and he has cancer moon he's intense water I know he loves me  I know it   mostly I'm his queen princess and everything keyword mostly 97/percent it's a struggle to.he's my everything the same.   s*x can be amazing blow your mind type super intense  ... been together almost 14 yrs fated but uh yes I've been to the depths and brought back with him stronger though  our charts says were here to teach each other something he sometimes drives me crazy my head spins but here's the clicker and why all in ours and everyone's birth charts planets and positions are so important. I'm a Sagittarius moon virgo sun and scorpio ascendant how's this work? well I know him better than he thinks I've been through bad times growing up and seen the dark side I know how to look behind the mask.NOT all people can so easy Scorpios are tough they hide little things and big things and think they're little when they are big they believe they're the only ones who know they are hideing something anyways it's how they are programmed they need space even though they'd tell you different   he's had his share of disappointments and he's blamed others before me for his wrongs.and like many scorpios he's been wronged many times before me as well and when I thought he was in the wrong I'd point out a couple small read between line type things but  I'd never tell him he was the one who was wrong he has to see it for himself as we all have to make our own choices   don't cross a scorpio you'll get stung now or later I tell him all the time to be the Phoenix or the eagle but have to admit sometimes even when it's hard or emotional I enjoy when he takes me to the darker side of life  cause I know he can bring me back  to my earthy stability or maybe it's me who bring  him back I do relate to my ascendant very strongly   still very hard to be in this relationship it a really awesome hot mess of a good and scary emotional time. Never sure if we're heading to our relationship breaking point an  just when I think it's all done I'm done he swoops in and surprises me guess that's my leo venus  .anyways his cancer moon is probably why he has it together he's so loving and nurturing he makes me feel safe but my Sagittarius moon wants me secrets  yikes glad I got mars in scorpio riseing I'd let this ship sail if it wasn't so wonderfully intense well scratch that it's a rebirth thing I guess we share control and about everything than bam out of freaking nowhere surprise phone numbers and profiles and let's experiment and he did it again I like I love it an  I hate it virgo Sagittarius and my scorpio

  2. I was dating one (scorpio man) and he assumed alot, with our schedules we didn't see each other alot he was very moody and said he wasn't the jealous type, I noticed that after sometime he tried to manipulate me especially sexually. I wanted a long term relation ship but I hid it well . He would talk  about other women in his past this happend atleast 2 times in my mind I feel like he was trying to get me to do what they would do to and for him, like trying to make me compete . I never gave hime the s*x he wanted I always held back from giving my all. Im 26 and he 39 I could've blown his mind with s*x but I was really calm and cool because I wasn't sure of his intentions and he held back too s*x wise ........maybe. the last one of the two times when he mentioned other women. I stayed calm thought about it, didn;t s*x him that nite because I felt disrepected . I was rather quiet and( he noticed) I  put my coat on and kindly asked him to walk me to the door. he was appaued but he hid it well but I could read it in his body language I did'nt say why I was leaving until the final moment..... I said " you have a little to much going on for me" then I left. Before that he said a couple other disturbing things before I decided put on my coat that made me really go forth to go on my way. this is the only time he was this cruel and that was his last!........with me Im a Sag sun / Cap venus I am very strong and confident woman he tried to break me down and that was a mistake his plan backfired in his face.what you think?????

  3. All these posts sound like my Scorpio guy.  I've been with him for a combined 8-1/2 months.  Met him over a year ago, dated 2-1/2 months, he disappeared for some reason, we still kept in touch here and there and then in June this year we got "back together" and have been steady since.  I've noticed if I ignore him when he texts or calls, then he's persistent and wondering where I am, what's going on.  He doesn't want commitment (he's been married 3 times, as far as marriage, which I don't want either, but he tries to say we have "companionship."  Has never called me his girlfriend.  But I just told him this past weekend I just want a boyfriend and I want it to be you.  And I think we are bf/gf anyways cuz we are in a committed relationship cuz we don't see or are interested in anyone else since we've known each other.  His response to that was, Everything's vague.  That's a Scorpio.  Can't show your feelings.  Sometimes I wonder if he has any feelings for me.  So I just go on with my life and he's there when we wanna hang out and have a good time.  It works cuz our work schedules are very different.  So I only see him once or twice a week, ususally the wknd.  So we will see what happens this wknd cuz he's just been a lil distant this week after I told him I wanna boyfriend...or maybe that's me thinking that cuz I've not been contacting him so much...playing his

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