
Why do senior persons always tend to talk about their children and grandchildren?

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Why do senior persons always tend to talk about their children and grandchildren?




  1. Because they don't have careers to talk about any more and many don't have hobbies or are able to do things or go places.  About the only thing they have left is family.

  2. restraining order

  3. Because they love them and are proud. I am not a senior but do have kids and love to talk about them but only when it comes up in conversation. I usually wouldn't stand there going on and on although I could. Plus as their kids were their life now so are the grandkids.  :)

  4. You can't know why until you have children and grandchildren of your own...don't even try to understand.

  5. Well, mostly for two reasons.

    One, a lot of older people are unable to go places and do many things, so they do not have much to tell people about their lives anymore. Their children and grandchildren, however, are probably still leading fairly full and active lives, so they talk about the things they are doing.

    The second and probably more accurate reason is because they are proud of them. They want people to know the great (even if in reality they are fairly average) things the younger generations in their family are doing.

    So, mostly it's pride, I would say.

  6. b/c they are proud!

  7. They may be doing it in a sense of appreciation of the wonder that an innocent creature evokes. They may also be doing becaue it offers a kind of antithesis and a reminder to the deficiencies they have had that they want to make up for.

    But it also goes to prove that they are selfish to the extent that it is their grandchildren who only are the source of job to the obfuscation of others.

  8. What else is there for the elderly to talk about? Children and Grandchildren are the only ones they have and can count on right now.  I guess we have to wait and experience for ourselves....

  9. As you said "senior persons".....means they might be retired and have no other work to do,this tends to think about there family and there related life,like as a person when he becomes old he wants his child to grow up get married ,settle in life and then his grandson grow up......goes on...hence they always tend to show interest in there up coming generations.

  10. I don't know about other people, but I talk about my children and grandchildren because I am proud of them.

  11. seniors that include myself, enjoy their children and grandchildren.  they are wonderful and amazing to us.   it is important to us to talk about them

  12. I think it is all part of the circle of life and part of the stages when you are older is reflecting on your life and your achievements

  13. Grandchildren are an extension of the family you started.  They are a source of hope for the future and you want the best for them.  Besides, they are just so dang cute when they're young.

  14. Because they are proud of their children and grandchildren, and they are happy that they have lived long enough to see their children's children. What would you rather they talk about..........................s*x!!!?

  15. For the same reason you talk about your girlfriend or your dog or your job.  Because you are proud of them and you think they are interesting.

  16. I believe it is because they are proud of how they have lived their life and they want to express how their children's life will/can be too.  

  17. They are likely retired so spend more time with the kiddies.  Thus, that's all they talk about.  BORING!  All my mother EVER talks about is my sister's kids.  Never asks me about MY life, just on and on and on and on about those kids.  Arrrgggghhh.

  18. It's all they have in life. But, not all do. Some never give their kids / g'kids any time. Shame. Then, there are the seniors who are well rounded with their life and do include their kids but still have an active, full life away from the kids.

  19. Because those little darlings are the cutest, smartest and most talented children in the world!!!

  20. they talk about their fmailies, because they dont have jobs or anything else to keep them busy. they are so many years apart, that anything they do, will amuse them, and they feel the need to share that with people, to start conversations and what not

  21. Because out of their entire lives and accomplishments, children and grandchildren are the best.  Nothing is better than having someone you are proud of and knowing that you played a major part of them turning out the way they did.

  22. Because they like their children and grand children to grow up in  a manner that they learn to respect and follow the orders of elders. Afterall they are seniors they know very well to control while they are young they dont want any misunderstanding to have while they are grown up.

  23. That is something they enjoy.  There jobs are now over so  they are talking about what they know.

  24. Because their lonely and miss their kids/grandkids, and they like bragging about them cause their proud.  

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