
Why do servers not always get treated the best or get tipped well?

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I have been a server at a restaurant for two years and the customers don't seem to appreciate what I do. I love meeting new people and the constant rush the job comes with, I don't think people know how hard serving is or that servers get paid less than minimum wage, I know there is some bad service but why should the good servers get treated so poorly like me? I think I do well at my job I just wish people would open up more. Any thoughts for why customers would being so mean or greedy?




  1. If by mean you mean they don't interact with you - a lot of people don't go to restaurants to socialize with their server, they just want to eat, and maybe visit with the people they are with.

    As for tipping, tipping is based on attitude and service towards me when I tip. If you throw my food on my table and then disappear never to be seen again (yeah, that has happened to me, and I didn't even ask her for anything, just ordered my food), then your tip is going to suck. Really good service gets a really good tip, average service gets an average tip, and crappy service gets, not much of a tip.

  2. Well you are not doing a difficult job.  It is definitely hard work but I wouldn't call it difficult.  It's a crappy minimum wage job so you can't expect a lot of money or respect.  

    I have worked my fair share of those trying to put myself through college and I know what it's like to have people make unreasonable demands or be just plain rude... and I didn't even get tips.  That's just the way it is.  

    But that's what you have to go through when you're a student.  I just focused on the fact that I was doing something better with my life and this job was just a way to get there.  

    Be thankful you even get anything.  In Sweden people almost never tip servers.  In Germany you would get maybe 2-3 euros no matter how much the bill came to.  

    If you don't like it, get another job.  Or if you're a student for example, just remember that this isn't where you are spending the rest of your life.  

    It's people with no class who are rude to servers anyway.

  3. Being a server is thankless.  I did it for two years and I hated it.  

    People in our society are really rude, really demanding and really misunderstanding.

    People want everything instantly, they want everything to their orders and they want to always be right.   Some people get power trips in restuarants.  

    You are waiting on them, so that makes the other person have the higher authority.  No matter what you do, or what you say; they will disrespect you.   They feel like you are only working for min. wage and you don't deserve respect.

    Some people have a sterotypes against servers.  They think we are all dumb, young, uneducated or college dropouts.  We are all poor, broke and desperate for money.  Some people might think we are low class or that we are mean spirited or out to get them.

    It's all untrue.    There is no "sterotypical" waitress.

    Some people are just miserable and they annoy and disrespect everyone in their path.  Some people don't understand you work for $2 an hour.

    They don't understand that YOU didn't personally cook the food and you really are SORRY it was cold.   They don't understand that sometimes the kitchen takes 50 mins to make your hamburger and there is little us servers can do about it.  They don't understand that when we ask the cooks where are food is, they give us the finger or tell us to "F-Off and stop bothering them"

    Basically, people who are poor tipper are misinformed and they really don't know how the biz works.

    Plus, some people are just very cheap and low class.  They might hear that the table next to them is giving you a $20 tip on $50 bill for excellent services.  So, they assume they don't have to leave you anything, because you just made $20.

  4. Everyone is right on.  

    Both of our sons are servers and generally the standard issues determine tips including:

    The type and $$ level of the restaurant makes allot of difference.

    Quality of service.

    Customers economic capability.

    Customers understanding of how servers are paid.

    General age of customers.

    Tonight we had a server who only had two tables, yet only checked once to see how things were, did not refill water or ask about a second drink ....

    Because our sons serve she was given a 17% tip.  Prior to the boys serving she would have gotten 5% to let her know she was below my standard.

    I suggest that you ask your boss or a supervisor to observe your service and to give you ideas for improvement that will result in better tips.

  5. I too work at a restaurant and I have known from experience that alot of people don't realize you make very little hourly. I have friends that never workd in a restaurant and are shocked when I tell them how much hourly servers make. Aslo some customers tip badly out of spite. they might have had a bad experience at the place you work once and will take it out on everyone else that serves them. Its not your fault. But sometimes you get those great tippers who make it good and help counterbalance those that dont.

  6. well it depends on the service.  I usually don't tip good unless the server is very attentive.

  7. I think if you are a good server then customers expect it and therefore don't feel they need to reward it. It is easy for people to forget how hard the work is unless they feel they know you somewhat. Some of the best server's I've had and the one's I've given great tips to have been those that were extremely personal without crossing a certain line. They were so charismatic and sweet and on top of orders and drink refills without being asked. Still some people are just stingy with tips and thats the way it is sadly.

  8. because there will always be jerks out there who are rude. and there will always be people too cheap to tip.

  9. I own a tavern that has both table service and bar service.  I have noticed that tips have declined as the economy gets worse.  I have also noticed that everytime the gas prices increase, tips decrease.  When gas declines, tips rise.  You just a victim of the economy, like everyone else.

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