
Why do servers not show up on my COD4 PC?

by  |  earlier

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OK, my multiplayer works fine but no servers are showing up on the server list. What do I have to do? My internet connection is fine too. I've updated the patches and it's 1.7.568. Do I have to download anymore patches? PLEASE HELP!!




  1. Good to know it's not just happening to me. I know this has happened on the 360 servers before, but it was resolved rather quickly...within a couple of hours. I'm guessing since it's labor day weekend, the technicians aren't in...guess we'll have to wait till tomorrow.

  2. Same problem here.  No servers are loading...........

  3. i'm having the same problem and like what was said above, i believe the master server is down because it times out on itself.....strange really, never seen that happen before

  4. eneble xfire.

    go on join game.

    press refresh!

  5. same prob here, last night i was playing today nothing..server list wont load!!!

  6. Mine is working, but my cousins isn't :S What ISP are you guys on? (he's on sky)  

  7. I have the same problem... Last night, COD4 worked fine (I wasn't patched at all I was still on 1.0). This morning I couldn't find any servers when I refreshed. The first thing I did was update to 1.7... My update went without a problem, but I still couldn't find any servers. I then tried connecting directly to servers with the console command "/connect ip:port". That gave me a connection timed out error. I then revisited my windows firewall (I'm on vista) and my McAfee firewall. They were both working fine with exception for COD4 and Punkbuster. I then made sure my COD4 ports were forwarded on my router. They hadn't been fowarded so I fixed that (though I doubted it was the problem since I had been playing multiplayer last night)... still nothing.

    I then started looking around on google for new posts (last 24 hours) with my same problem. It seems more and more are popping up and it leads me to believe that the master server is down. This may be incorrect but I am fairly adept with computers and it is the only solution I could come up with. It looks like we may have to wait it out.

  8. Same problem here except I can refresh my favorites and they are showing with people on them but I cannot join. Server times out. I looked at some older posts with people having this problem and it ended up fixing itself. They said it was something to due with PB. Could be same deal?...

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