
Why do sharks eat people they want mammmels right? are they THAT stupid!!!?

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i mean a shark eat a human..... come on were not fish!!!




  1. Uhhh...yeah humans ARE mammals.

    We dont lay eggs or anything.

    But we're a living thing, theyre hungry, so theyll go for it.

  2. Mammals are warm blooded animals that bear live young(except Platypus and Echidnas), have fur (hair), and nurse their young with milk. Humans belong in this group.

    Sharks are not very bright, but they are very efficient predators. They will eat anything that acts or looks like food. Splashing around in the ocean seems like an advertisement of a wounded creature, an easy meal, to a shark.

    That being said , Sharks only kill an average of one human per year in the US. Bees kill 53, and good old Man's best friend, dogs 31

  3. Humans are mammals. Fish are not.. fish are fish. Sharks usually eat seals, which are mammals. Humans are mistaken for these animals because of our heart rates, warm body temp, and swimming patterns.

  4. I think what you mean to say is Why do sharks eat humans when they should eat fish or other mammals like seals or something. If so, here is your answer.

    Sharks are not really man eaters, thats a huge misconception, however, quite naturally, they are more than capable of eating humans. Allow me to explain..there are hundreds of thousands of ocean beaches world wide where millions and million of people swim each year, yet there are very few shark attacks. There may be 5 to 9  fatal shark attacks worldwide each year. what does this mean? Sharks are really not that interested in people, however, they will sometimes happen upon a human and sample them. this explains why more people are bitten by sharks than rightout attacked.

    A true man eater is a animal that has developed a taiste for humans and actively hunts them down for food. there are bengal tigers in india and some known species of  crocodiles that do such a thing. Any predetor or wild animal that is big enough or hungry enough will attack a human with the intention of eating them. take a frikken sweet little hamster and supersize it 100x over and it will not be as sweet as you will seek to eat you but that does not make it a maneater.

    Allow me to define a true man eater and a non man eater.

    1. A man swims by a alligator in a muddy lake and is attacked. the gator likes the smell of his blood and eats him.this is not the case of a man eating animal preying on a human but rather, a wild animal pursuing a opportunity to feed.

    2. A women walks down to a muddy lake everyday at 4pm. there is a crocodile who lives in the same lake who notices that a women shows up at the lake everyday at a time when the sun is at a certain point in the sky. therefore, the croc is waiting at the spot where it has seen the lady everyday at a certain time and attacks her.....or.....A tiger is walking through the jungle when he smells the distinct aroma of soap and sweat. the Tiget knows that this is the unmistakible smell of a human. The tiger follows the smell and finds a meal. a wolf in the same situation will most likley flee the other way.

    in conclusion.....sharks don't know enough about humans to purposely include them in their diet which explians why shark attacks are as rare as unicorns.

  5. Humans are mammals. Sharks feed on primarily mammals (seals). the sharks aren't stupid, they're trying to survive. And you spelled mammals wrong.

  6. First off, humans are mammals.

    Secondly, very rarely will a shark ever "eat " a human. Many times, they mistake a human for their food of choice, take a bite, then take off. The truth is that humans are not shark food, and sharks do not seek out human flesh. They are meerly attracted to the blood or the appearance of what the shark thinks the human is (such as a seal).

  7. Humans are mammals and many sharks feed on seals that are also mammals. Sharks are not stupid, humans that swim with dangerous sharks are stupid.

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