
Why do she think she is always right?

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Its seems as tho every argument I have with my girl friend, she swears she is right and will not except that she is wrong also. I just want to know if any knows a good way to handle this with out giving in. I just refuse to let someone think they are right always when I know they're not.




  1. don't! .. i agree no body is right 100% of the times no matter how wise and rational they are..

    also keep telling her that what is right for one person is not necessarily right for another.. i.e what is right for  you is what makes you feel happy and comfortable which could be all different to someone else..

    watch it man.. her attitude signals a controlling behavior signs ! be ware..

  2. Just ignore her like her opinion is so useless that you won't even bother to argue with her anymore.  

  3. You are missing the point.

    It is not that she is always right but because of your gender, you are always wrong.  It is part of our DNA.

    Once you have it all figured out, call mental health.  Why? because once you have "figured  any women out"  they can help you, your diagnosis is delusional thinking.  Drugs won't change anything but they can help you cope with your delusions of being right ( anytime ).

    Good luck, Now go get your meds and behave like a good little zombie.

  4. When somebody “swears that she is right” always, they could be being defensive. Such people actually suffer low self-esteem. Being ‘right’ is associated with having power – in being ‘wrong’ power is lost, so that’s unacceptable. It hurts the image of self created in mind, and they respond with denial to raise both their sense of power, and self-esteem. Self-images have strong emotional attachments, hence people get het up and prolong arguements, refusing to be defeated.

    The arguements between you and your girlfriend seem to have now become power struggles. Your both being reactive, and yes, defensive, because each now wants to ‘win’ - she to have the power of being right, and you to prove she’s wrong, i.e., that you have the power. Thus you stop talking with one another, and instead talk/shout at one another, perhaps dragging in other issues/incidents only to score points.

    That doesn’t help your relationship. It might be an idea to opt out of the arguement before before emotions and resistance to listening begin to rise. Agree to disagree. Or leave it for the moment and return to the issue only when both have calmed down. You might also set some ground rules between you, so neither is able to hijack  discussions or overstep boundaries.

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