
Why do shias hate sunnis??

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shias say Ali ibn Abi Talib was stopped by Abu Bakr And Umar(R A H)from being first khalifa of Islam.Actually not!!!.So why do they hate us for tht???

Was it our fault????




  1. ............what nonsense...........

    I dont care who hates whom........

    its all stupid

    HATRED is stupid

    just support whom you like, then leave the rest to God....

  2. Actually, I think its the other way round. I see more Sunnis here hating on Shias.  

  3. we do not hate u. who has said such a thing.?

    yes we believe that Ali alayhessam had the right for being khalife,as our prophet had told in ghadir.and ghadir it`s a part of history not a story.

    but we do not hate u , u are our brothers and sisters.even if we have some differences.

    some shias may tell abuse to sunnis,but most of them are clear people who think it would help ali if they tell them. and it`s not just between shias , many sunnis tell cruel words to us and some of them u know kill shias , so what`s our fault?

  4. I hate no one.  Please stop fueling an endless, tiresome battle.  

  5. imam ali (AS) was appointed as leader of muslims by muhammed(saww)

    he never told abu bakr and umar to be leader of anything

    they forced their flippin way into the picture

    and sunnis are hating more , now theyre even calling shia not muslims so they can suck out

    @ i hate you- your killer umar is going to h**l anyway

    why would i lurrrve him ?

  6. Khalifas Abu Baker and Oman were appointed by the prophet Mohammad(PBUH) not by sunnis or Shias, Sunnis love the prophet and Al Albait and also they respect his friends while Shias curse the Khalifas Abu Baker, Omar and Othman.

  7. bcause sunni make better kebabs than shiaa :D

  8. It is one common thing...

    People cant live without hating...

  9. I haven't studied this in depth, but I should think it's more of an excuse to fight than anything and that the real issue is some kind of tribalism and territorial thing with neither community willing to back down. Like the Protestant vs Catholic thing in Northern Ireland.

    Seriously I doubt that most Shias or Sunnis in, say, Britain or the USA care. All the conflict is in impoverished lands.

  10. The reality of the matter is a sunni is a sect just as much as shia is a sect. Accepted or not. For someone to make a statement as shias following a religion of Shiaism is the same as another saying sunnis follow a religion called Sunniism. No difference. Both are muslim. Bottom line.


  11. Hmmm.. its natural.. Maybe because we Sunni's dont agree to their belief..

    it can be the other way round too...

  12. their religion(SHIAISM) Based on Hating and Insulting and Cursing wives and friends of the prophet(saw)

    so that's what their religion teach them

    they hate ABu Baker(ra) and Omar(ra) and Uthman(rA) and Aisha(ra) and Hafsa(ra) and they hate who love them

    @ eviweahabi if loving sahaba and wives of the prophet and defending them makes me a wahabi then be it !

    lol you try to fool muslims  yesterday you said how can a killer and his followers go to Jannah and you meant Omar(ra) and you said his followers  sure who love him and it means Muslims  and today you try to use wahabi word which been used by shia to fool Muslims

    @Hope wow thanks you showed your REAL face now !

  13. sunnis are non-muslims , they worship abu bakra

  14. There are plenty of reasons, just open up the book "al-Kaafi" of al-Kulaynee and read any random page and you'll see the severe hatred the Rawaafid have for Ahlus Sunnah. Dont take the word of people whose belief is based upon Taqiyyah (lying).

    Go out to a Shee'ah bookstore and buy yourself a copy of al-Kaafi, open up the "Usool al Kaafi) and look at the index, find the chapter called "Taqiyyah", there are about 23 narrations in there stating that the Shee'ah HAVE to lie.

    Then flip through and read some of the serious cursing of the Sahaabah and all these other evils present in their books. If you want, I'll start posting narrations from their books al-Kaafi, Bihaar al Anwar and Nahj al Balaagha, i'm just not wasting my time now since the Rawaafidh here are actually proving themselves as what their books claim. This way the youth from Ahlus Sunnah here can see the reality of the Rawaafidh Shee'ah.

    This is why you see an increased racist attack from the Rawaafidh members.

    Al-Kulaynee reported in his "al-Kaafi" on page 352 of Volume 5 (Kitaab al Furoo'):

    ولا تنكحوا من الاكراد أحدا فإنهم جنس من الجن كشف عنهم الغطاء

    ((And do not marry anyone from the Kurds, for they are an offspring of the Jinn, whose screen has been lifted from them))

    This is in the Book of Marriage under the chapter of Whom it is disliked to marry from amongst the Kurds, ****** and others.

  15. Jealousy.. i just dont understand either.. it would be nice to understnad why they curse the sahaba.. :(

  16. because shias are hypocrites and they try to destroy Islam by taking of its roots!!!!!!One of them is The sunnah of the Prophet( P B U H).

    They pretend to be Muslims but are worse than kaffers!!!!!!

    Their mission is quite clear and no doubt they r not successful!!!!!!

    U r right my friend!!!!they make up rubbish stories and try to create divisions in Islam.

  17. Shias do not hate Sunnis

    Sunnis do not hate Shias

    Wahhabis are trying to divide Muslim Ummah.

    Wahhabis are followers of Iblees.

    Wahhabis pretend to be Sunnis.

    Sunnis Wake UP.

  18. I don't hate sunnis


    but IF u bash my believe then i don't respect you...........but i don't hate anyone

    Hate is a strong word

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