
Why do shops only let you use one door when they have double doors?

by  |  earlier

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What is the point in that?




  1. Some do it to minimize air (hot or cold) into the shop/business.  Other times it is based on the 'keep to the right' thing.  Like you can enter only from the door that is on the right as you approach the door - and likewise you can exit only by the door that is on the right as you approach the exit.  This allows for people to come and go in a more 'orderly' fashion as no one blocks the entrance when exiting nor do they block the exit while they are entering.

  2. To minimize the flow of air through the door.

  3. They are too lazy to unlock the other door.  The double doors were probably put in there primarily to haul large counters and racks through the front of the building.  Minimizing air flow (and minimizing the electric bill) sounds about right too.

  4. Well you're not going to enter the shop opening both doors, so they ask you to use one door. Sometimes the doors hang on a track that work better if one door is opened in one direction, with the other one in the other direction. They may also do this to direct traffic in and out of the store better.

  5. It is annoying. People always find a way to block doorways. Some of them even seem to go deaf when doing so.

  6. Unless you're a cowboy busting into a saloon to get revenge on someone, you probably don't need two doors. And it's courtesy to stay on the right so you don't run into people who are staying on THEIR right. :)

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