
Why do shops want to know my name and address..?

by  |  earlier

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I tried to buy a camera recently, and was paying cash. The shop wanted my name and address but I refused as I was paying cash. They then wouldn't sell me it.




  1. You should have asked for the manager and told him unless you can buy it without giving a name and adress that you will buy your goods from elsewhere in the future

  2. Did you try to buy the camera with a gun?

    because otherwise they should have sold you the camera. Report the shop to the ombudsman

  3. Don't know. Didn't you ask? Maybe for guarantee.

  4. Mamas and Papas do the same thing it seems very strange!

  5. Hi,

    Indeed, this is in their interest.

    Companies need to keep a relationship with their customers to allow additional sales in the future.

    May be you will buy something else if you receive say a coupon etc.

    This is what we call business, that's all!

    See you,


  6. They want those details so they can send you adverts and give/sell your details to other companies so they can send you adverts too.

    It is in no way legal for a shop to refuse to sell you something just because you won't give them your name and address.If I were you I'd write to the shop's customer service department to complain about your treatment and threaten them with the ombudsman.

  7. Because they want to sell your details on to marketing companies, i always refuse when I'm paying cash.......its one of my pet hates :-)

  8. Possibly for the guarantee or if there is a product recall.

    The only time I needed to ask for names and addresses when I worked in a shop was if we sold TV equip and it was then passed to TV Licencing.

  9. When I was single and living alone I really objected to giving my details (when paying by cash) as I felt that it was a threat to my personal safety having a stranger (the shop assistant) ask me for my home address, telephone number and whether I was Miss, Mrs, or Ms.

    As a rule now I generally make up an address or give them the address of a well know institute such as the Bank of England, Madame Tussands or the Tower London.  Its an address and they can't proves that you DON'T live there....

    (or better still give them the address of a sworn enemy!)


  10. i don't think they can refuse a cash sale.

    i'm not sure, but i think they broke the law.

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