
Why do shy guys step back when a girl gets closer?

by  |  earlier

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He's a shy guy and we've been spending time this summer. When we're 1-1, he'll be outgoing and play the "you have my pillow, gimmie"/tickle game. He would ocassionaly ask for movie nite and eventually when i would leave he would grab and cuddle with me; even hint at a massage and would give each other back massages. He started inviting me to his social events w. friends (weekend stuff) and asked to watch him play basketball. Even took care of him when was sick. Last week I've never felt so close to him. He shared about his upbringing, was w. him and helped him w. shopping. Last I saw him, brought him food for him @ work and was very grateful and was CHESSING.

NOW I texted him on Sat asking what he was doing and it took him 2 hours to respond back...not his typical self where he would text right away. I asked if he wanted to go barhopping and he just responded "where" and i said i wasn't sure and hejust said, "haha". I kept drunk texting him 2x that night and never responded back... The next day he sent a "general" txt to all his friends ( me) saying he was driving his dream car.WHAT HAPPENED?? He's not ignoring me's like he took 2 steps back b/c we got close...




  1. hes just shy. . .hes going to have a hard time letting anyone get close to him. . .so dont bug him about it. . .if hes really interested in you and likes you and will eventually open up to you. . .it just takes time. but dont be to clingy or anything. . .cause thats not attractive at all.  

  2. You'd prefer he was texting you while driving ?

    You sound overly possessive and needy. The man is entitled to be occupied for a few hours...

  3. Because they are, by virtue of their shyness, out of their safe zone when a girl is close. Give him the space he needs yet be there should he need you. Regards UK

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