
Why do silly questions get huge responsis and serious ones get next to nothing?

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Sample Questions:

What would you Do to fix America's problems?

1. the high cost of health care in America.

2.Nafta and free trade, America losing its jobs to over sea's,countries.but prices staying high.On those same products.coming back to be sold in America.

3.High fuel prices here in America,Even if America drilled more oil it would be put into the worlds oil supply, which could cause gas prices to come down. But big oil do not want that either,cutting the pump tax. And taxing the big oil companys record profits, would only result in a raise in oil prices by big oil.

4.The problems in the middle east, And countries that pose a threat to America and israel.

5. How the world veiws America, such as Iran!! And others in the in the same like.

What would you Do America?

Got 4 answers. WoW!


I need a googoo name for my girl?

My girlfriend and I are in a googoo name war and i need some.

47 ANSWERS!!! WoW!

Neither of these questions are mien.

Do you see what I'm pointing here?




  1. Serious questions need careful thought, consideration and time. People are just lazy these days and just want to mess around. Thats my take.

  2. The first series of questions involve more of a indepth policy answer that most people have no time to get involved with. The second question was a personal feelings question that didn't involve major thought, thus making it easier to answer

  3. i get wat ur saying

  4. Is this a serious question? Most Americans has grape jelly for brains. How else could we have Hillary, Obama, & McCain as our only choice for President.

    How about starting the election process all over. None of the current canidates would be allowed to run.

  5. i only read the title, and answer that

  6. What is a mien?

  7. i think, basically, people don't really want to go down that serious side.  to have 'fun' is easier.  it's harder to face harsh realities on our 'days off' and so we as a whole, decide to play.  also, some are probably afraid of a thumbs down, or getting a comment from someone who doesn't really want a serious answer, but just wants someone to validate their rant.  go figure. good luck on getting your serious answers, though.

  8. My guess is because stupid questions are easy to answer and a lot of people think: "Woohoo free points'', whereas the complex questions are reserved to the few people in the Y!A Community who don't just answer for points, they really want to help people out. If you take a look, the silly questions usually have very short answers, while the complex ones have long answers. That, my friend is the difference. It's all in the community.

  9. Most people arent experts.

  10. everyone on Y!A is dumb. those questions ain't easy to answer

  11. stupid things are more relevant to people's lives

  12. It's a lot easier to answer simple questions that don't require much input than it is to answer more complex questions that do require a bit of brainpower. This question for example is pretty simple, so I am answering it.

    People tend to know more about simple things too, not everyone would be able to answer the complex questions.

  13. that is b/c most ppl are either to stupid to answer the serious questions or they don't feel like typing out a long and complicated answer. (mostly the former though, lol)

  14. Personally, I only answer a serious questions if I have a serious answer and silly questions get a silly response.

    Depending on how I feel at the time determines whether I will take the time out to answer a question.

    Sometimes serious question are one-sided, bias, emotional rants that don't really deserve an answer because it will not accomplish anything nor will it be beneficial to the person asking the question.

    I see your point.

  15. people aren't interested in the serious stuff. clearly. people wanna have a laugh, not try sort out america's problems :) maybe that's the reason we are where we are? and good point, by the way. xx

  16. its more of a compitition w/ none serious ones. if ur funny u get ten points. its harder to get the best answer w/serious questions.

  17. Its easier to answer easy questions

    its harder to answer hard questions

    as Americans we are lazy and seek instant gratification,so we do whats easier.

    i try to answer both types of questions.

    if i have a serious comment on an important topic ill post

    i also answer ridiculous questions with ridiculous answer.

  18. 'cause the people think that the silly ones have a catch in them, when the serious ones have none

  19. Are you German or "Eyerish"? "Neither of these questions are 'mien'"? So is it girlfriend or frauline, eh!?

    Half the people are drunk on Y!A just having a good time, that's why you don't get serious answers half the time.

  20. People like easy questions and don't want to think. That's the way the general population is these days.

    Sad, I know.

  21. most people are just lazy and cant be bothered with answering questions that require any additional thought...

    something has to be done about this though before everybody turns into a lazy s*** and just watches tv all day and not help anybody on Yahoo Answers!


    well i hope that everyone who answered this answers other questions with as much detail and thought.


  22. Too lazy to think about/and answer serious questions. I much prefer the serious ones.

  23. thats because people love answering dumb questions rather than taking the time to use logic..

  24. people care about personal needs more than about the world, people are like if its happening half the owrld away WHO CARES.

  25. It's because we're all too lazy to sit down and think up an intelligent, well-thought out answer to a question with merit. No, a stupid question requires a stupid answer and therefore, less thought. Or people are just gluttoning for points, in which, still, don't want to actually write out intelligent answers to questions.

  26. Most people only want to see the world through "rose colored glasses".  The general population has the mind set that some one else will address that question so why should they.

  27. I wonder the same thing. I think it's because people want points for being stupid, and not having to actually think about insightful answers that would actually help out someone in search of an answer that provides proof of intelligible, promising, and unique answers. All they want are points!!!

  28. because stupid questions deserve stupid answers which are easier to give. serious questions require people having to use the brains and think which is rather hard for alot of people sadly.

  29. Yes, that's why I never ask serious and real questions, because I sometimes get one or even zero answers.

    I stick to stupid common sense questions that everybody will answer to kill the time. Because, almost everyone can come up with an answer. But, the serious one's, well, not too many people will take the time to answer them or just don't want to or don't have any idea what to say.


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