
Why do skaters hate bmx'ers?

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Seriously, why do skaters give a c**p about how someone else has fun? I know all skaters aren't on the "hate bmx" bandwagon, but a lot seem to be. The complaints I hear are that our pegs grind up the ledges too much and that we take up too much room. It all sounds like b.s to me. Did the haters just read that article in Thrasher about "Jihad on BMX" and take it as gospel without thinking about how useless and stupid it is? It's a freakin set of wheels, it's just different than the skaters set of wheels.




  1. They just think they are soo cooler than anyone else until they mess up and end up in a coma.....

  2. skaters hate bmxers because they always cut you off and take over the whole skate park when they come in with their bikes!!

  3. They resent the fact that BMXers aren't nearly as g*y as skaters.  They don't understand why the two can be so similar and yet, for reasons unknown, there is something inherently homosexual in skating.

  4. Same reasons surfers hate jocks and vice versa. Genres in competition.

  5. Hate usually comes from ignorance.

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