
Why do skunks get run over ?

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Why do skunks get run over ?




  1. because they are in the way

  2. because they are in heat in the mating season, and just like humans, they dont use  good sense

  3. Because they were not taught by their moms and pops to cross the street, when it is  clear.  Seriously, I had a friend in California driving alone at night, and there at a short distance ahead, were two tiny closely-positioned light. He was driving a Volkswagen and before he knew it, he slammed into a deer, which was "dazzled" by the oncoming light so it stopped. He was lucky his vehicle did not slam into a nearby tree, afer braking hard But that was a horrible experience!

  4. Because cars drive too fast. My personal observation is that either the skunks are getting smarter or else we've managed to put a major dent in their population.

  5. Because they go in the street.

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