
Why do sleeping cows point north ?

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  1. I've got sleeping cows and they're not pointing north.  

  2. I've never even seen an awake one point. I don't thank that's true.

  3. who on earth told you that!

    we have large beef farm & in summer we leave them out to graze & only bring in the milkers. they are checked on regular 24/7 maybe i should show them your report because they dont all face the same way, some huddle as if gossiping but there is a lot of free expression & anarchy or they are not sure where north is

    tiere13- my dogs dont alighn themselves unless its comfey

    & i think thats the key word * comfort*

  4. They don't always align themselves with the magnetic field, but there is research now that points to them aligning themselves more often than what would occur under "random" instances.  There is also research showing that dogs and sheep also have a tendency to sleep facing in alignment with the North/South axis more often than east/west (although my personal observations of my dog haven't indicated that - he'll sleep facing any direction).  

    Nobody really knows why they do this, but some medical studies claim that you get better blood circulation when the body is aligned with the magnetic field (due to the iron in the red blood cells).  There have only been a few reputable studies done so far (mostly sponsored by magnetic therapy companies), so this one theory is definitely up for debate - and probably will be for some time!

  5. I don't know about that, but I've noticed that they are usually all facing the same direction. I always thought that they were facing out of the wind though.

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