
Why do smokers believe that smoking is just a bad habit?

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It seems to me that smokers are lacking in self confidence so they use smoking (like drugs) to make them feel better. They use it when they're nervous, angry, tense, etc.




  1. Yes, you have a point.  They do use it for those reasons (and others) and mostly it seems that they enjoy it.  But why do they believe it's just a bad habit?  Maybe because it is.  What do you think it is then?  Luckily there's no law to say you have to smoke, so, no problem.  You have to chuckle though when a person poopoos a smoker because of the health thing and then goes and sits on the sidewalk (al fresco) having a coffee as all the cars go by.

    To each his own, as they say in the movies.

  2. Not really. Many people smoke cannabis as a social thing, or just as a recreational activity, while on the other hand, nicotine is just flat out addictive.

  3. because they are trying to make themselfs feel better about smoking. my grandma smokes and she says its just a "habit"  

  4. I don't know about every other smoker(nicotine wise) but it is just that to me, a bad habit, I believe this because it is not something i need to survive, and it is something that can be stopped(WILLINGLY), It doesn't deteriorate my self confidence. On the otherhand cannibus is just fun, but you can over do it and it can consume your time and life although it is not addicting.

  5. because actually, smoking is a bad habit. if you ever smoked you'd understand. smoking is a way of relieving stress, therefore we smoke when were nervous, angry and tense.. and were so used to the hand motion to our lips, its a bad habit we cant get rid of. If we try to quit, we go for food if we dont have that cigarette. and food makes us fat. I'm sure if a smoker really wanted to give up his or hers 'bad' habit, they could be smoke free for 3 days and not even want to light up again.

  6. Yeah, it helps you deal with being nervous, angry and tense, but I'm not sure what that has to do with lack of self confidence. I mean, I can think of lots of incredibly confident people who smoked -- people like Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, John McCain, Barack Obama. Or how about some famous generals -- George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight D. Eisenhower? Or scientists -- Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud? Or famous artists -- Bach,  Mozart, Leonard Bernstein, the Beatles. Maybe it gave them the confidence . . .

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