
Why do snowboarders always sit in little groups right in the middle of a trail under the ridge?

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Is it just to help me practice my emergency manuevering, or because they are to lazy to finish the run?




  1. its because we h8 skiers like you and enjoy pis*ing you off

  2. They are not smart enough to move out of the way and skiers are too courteous to run over them.

  3. Damned....I thought that was a mogul. You mean it was a snowboarder?

    Well, that explains the blood on my ski edges and now I know how that lip ring ended up around my cable binding!

  4. usually because they are planning what there going to do next and where theyre going to go especially if there are alot of turns etc. in the path. if not there just talking or waiting for someone, possibly waiting for skiers to move out of the way

  5. Because they are obnoxious. And they suck.  Have you ever noticed how boarders slide a few feet, then stop, slide a few  feet, stop, slide a few feet, stop, slide, stop, and so on.  Takes them all morning to get down a run. Can they even make it down one little trail without stopping?  I do appreciate the endless entertainment they provide -- when boarders wipe out, they wipe out BIG!!!

  6. sometimes its the lay of the land that makes them do it. most boarders actually aren't good enough to make clean heel side and toe side turns in the fall line. the strong sided turn will make them "drift" one way or the other. then they get all tired and have to try to manuever back the direction they need to go. that and riding in "packs" just invites the social side of things to happen.... and waiting on a good hit thats not in the park.

  7. because it's fun to p**s skiers off.

    and it's nice to just chill and relax and take in the mountain (especially nice because I can sit down and then get back up without taking my board off)

    I usually do this off to the side of the run so I'm not in everyone's way

  8. No answers like waiting for skiers to move arent true lol.   Honestly its probably because one of them fell and their buddies all grouped around him until he could get up and then they decided to rest for a bit right where they are.  Skiers do it too.

    But that doesnt make it any less annoying. =)

  9. Because most of them have no respect for the other people trying to use the mountain.  That and they are probably having a hard time reading the trail map.  Or they are stoned.  Go into the trees if you are stoned...and stay out of the skiers way.

  10. most snowboarders suck because its hard to learn

    but i do it to socailize and p**s skiiers off

    because you do it to  us to

    we are not obsticalls skiiers  and yes you p**s us off more then we p**s you off

    skiiers use us as obsticals going down the mountain

    Skiiers SUCK!!!

  11. From the boarder's point of view, It could be because they are planning on going on a jump and right under the ridge is the highest point for them to stop where they can see the jump or terrain feature to get enough speed.

    If there are no terrain features, then i have no idea.. I never stop in the middle, But thats probably because i use to ski, and thats what i do.

  12. They're waiting for the skiers who stopped right in the landing of the jump to move.

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