
Why do so Many white people want to believe Egyptians are Caucasian?

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for crying out loud Egyptians came in Many shades of brown just like "black" people do. Just because they may not have feautures that appear black to you doesn't mean anything. In different parts of Africa they come with various feautures! Depending on which tribes and parts. God people white people aren't responsible for every great thing in this world! (I am typing on an iPod touch) it seems like you will dig up any evidence trying to prove otherwise.




  1. I think Egyptions shouldnt be classified white becuase white people are tall have light colored hair and skin and have wierd noses

    Id say there like arabic or middle estern  or maybe they could be there own race

  2. only black people like you are superficial to care about something so meaningless in life, who cares about what shade of skin they were

  3. I live for the day when we don't need to discuss race in the first place. Really, does it truly matter?

  4. because the movies used white actors..and most artwork used european features..

  5. No, white people realize that Egyptians aren't white, they just like to create the illusion to satisfy the masses aka the majority. (In the case of Elizabeth Taylor playing Cleopatra.)

  6. Egyptians got things done, that's why.

  7. None of my friends believe this.  No one I know believes this except for you.  My friends are college educated business men from diverse walks of life.  Who are your friends? What books and magazines do you read?  We live in and on different worlds.

  8. 84% OF EGYPTIANS are caucasoid go in wikipedia check it ur self !take a nigerian put him next to an egyptian then u will know;)

  9. Im middle eastern and do not consider myself or other middle easterners to be white.

    Firstly because we are not one race we can come in literally every single colour.

    Secondly because we are either asian or north african (DUH) lol

    And to answer your question: there are only 6% white ppl left on earth. Its our purpose to pass on our genes and keep our "kind" alive so this threat of them dying out makes them (white ppl) want to believe middle easterns and indians are "caucasoid"

    They use to even consider south americans as "white" till someone invented the term "hispanic"

    All u should do is *LOL*

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