
Why do so-called 'modern' Muslims who sin all their youth seek good, pious Muslims when its time for marriage?

by Guest65917  |  earlier

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I've seen drunkards and licentious Muslim men and women pretending to be pure virgin halo-headed angels when its time for marriage.




  1. What's it to you?  If you're not marrying them, it's none of your business.  

  2. There marriages donot prolong longer.

  3. Its to make a good impression but they don't last long, especially after marriage.  

  4. if someone commits a crime with the intention like. chalo will perform hajj and it will be over. This thinking is wrong. Hajj removes all past sins is true, but INTENTIONS and thinking matters most too. tears matters alot..

    anyways, your main question, pious partner for marriage, its because they themselves know how bad and dirty the puddles of sins are... a pious person is away from all the dirt, all male-female interactions, so its better to have a good, Allah fearing nice person as a life partner because its all about LIFE which is not  a joke,.,,,, ( i guess) ~!

  5. I agree with Q & S..

    So as long they truly change, and has good intention of it..

  6. people change, anyone can marry anyone else as long as they have stayed away from that one act: the if they are truly sincere and make their oath with god as well as to themselves to never cheat on their spouses in any way shape or form, i think they should not be judged...but youre right there are so many muslims who ruin their marriages because they cant preserve themselves until marriage...

    im 16 an i cant honestly say that i havnt come before...its very hard to stop ones self in this community and lifestyle...but does that mean i have ruined my marriage?

  7. Cause they think they can be better Muslims that way, i guess. Whats more annoying is when muslims commit sins all their life and then they say they'll just go to hajj before they die, to wash away their sins.    

  8. Bro, wisdom comes with the years.

    Furthermore, if the parents or wahli do a good job checking if the maybe future partner is suitable, they will find out soon enough the person was no angel in the past.

    But better to get rid of the wild hairs before than during marriage!

  9. WEll maybe they realised their mistakes and are trying to rectify them and to become a better person, what one does in the past should not be held against them as long as the have moved away from the wrong doing and attemptng for the right.

  10. Yeah, its annoying when they do that.

    Like this:

  11. Hypocrites !

    One word says it all !

  12. I don't see why she has to be virgin. My wife was not virgin when  I married her and neither was I.

  13. Well if they truly changed then that's a good thing.

    It would be worse if they continued major sins after the marriage because chances are they will have children and the children will be exposed to this.

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