
Why do so called conservative evangelical Christians deny all of the teachings of Jesus Christ?

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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! Think before you vote!




  1. They are hung up on what St Paul had to say.

    Personally I think he was a nasty piece of work, and hijacked Jesus's teachings.

    Not that I think there was a historical Jesus, but I know what you mean.

  2. First of all I guess you could call me a so called conservative evangelical Christian and for the record I do not like McCain all that much, but will probably end up voting for him in the end.

    Having said this I will attempt to answer the question as honestly as possible although some will call me crazy and irrational.

    As a Christian it is true that as some have said that we do believe we will be forgiven for our sins but this does not mean we deny the Teaching of Christ.  I 100% absolutely hate sin and wish I never ever did it, but this is not your question.

    In order to answer the question logically though one would need to know which teaching you are talking about.

    My broad answer is that true Christians (not the country club, doing what everyone else is doing ones) do believe in his teachings and try to adhere to them, but are sometimes misunderstood.  I truly believe that just saying that you care for example about the poor is not enough, but action is required.  Caring about the issues is not enough.  While I am on the poor and hungry as an example, many conservatives get tagged with the idea that they don't really care about them, but many of us do.  We simply disagree with how to get to where we all want to be.  I personally do not think government hand outs is the answer.  It is simply a band aid on the issue and can actually be counter productive.  Some will say I don't care with this attitude but in actuality I would rather do something to get these people off the streets for good and get them jobs and have them be successful.  Sometimes it takes tough love to do this and a government handout is not always the answer.

    I could go on rambling but if you really want to discuss it further please visit my site at

  3. Stop carrying the cross because they will beat you with it and call you a

    That is the only thing that let's them rationalize their vote even though Stevie Wonder can see that the Republican/Conservative party has put America in perils AND that for decades we are in a  precarious situation,  especially if they get back into office.  If it had been anyone other than Obama the Republicans wouldn't stand a chance.

  4. Funny thing is that Christ was a conservative. He was fighting the same battle the conservative do.

  5. It's called being hypocritical. All Evangelical Christians are. They are the ones who mix politics with religion and believe they are in the right and it doesn't matter what common sense says , they will have a bible quote that they will twist to their benefit.

  6. Deny all of the teachings of Jesus Christ

    First some definitions

    Deny: To refuse to believe; reject. To refuse to recognize or acknowledge; disavow.

    All : Constituting, being, or representing the total extent or the whole

    Evangelicalism : Evangelicalism is a theological perspective, most closely associated with Protestant Christianity, which identifies with the gospel. Although evangelicalism has been defined in a number of ways,[1] most adherents consider belief in the need for personal conversion (or being "born again"), some expression of the gospel through evangelism, a high regard for Biblical authority, and an emphasis on the death and resurrection of Jesus to be key characteristics

    Do you think when you type or does it just come out?

    Nobody is without sin! (Except Jesus!)

    and the remarks about Jesus being black are really not necessary.

    For example, someone goes ALLAH IS BLACK, people get all upset, if you say Jesus is black no one says anything.

    So just don't say it even if your atheist or agnostic or hindu or buddhist or anything. Thank you.


  7. Wow Thats all you can come up with. What about Abortion, birth control? What about not following the government? What about the evils of taxes?  

  8. I agree with you, and those conservative evangelicals will get your question removed

  9. They don't care because all will be forgiven.  

  10. how about an eye for an eye??

  11. Politics+religion=Bullsh*t.

  12. Jesus was black, they don't like that

  13. I've got sin in my life and I ask God all the time to forgive them, so now thinking before I vote,I vote MC CAIN!

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